LC 580 - 5400/180 - 5200CD - 6200CD - LC 475 - all doomed for recycling

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
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LC 580 - 5400/180 - 5200CD - 6200CD - LC 475 - all doomed for recycling

A prompt response is required for this one or else these items go to the 'recycler'.

I went scavenging at my local school and came across the following items:

12x - LC 580
1x - 5400/180
1x - 5200CD
1x - 6200CD (with a 14" Apple CRT)
4x - LC 475 (EACH with a 14" Apple CRT)

All items have keyboards and power cables.

All items are in good to excellent physical condition (some have minor case yellowing, some still quite grey). Most all have been labeled with a black permanent marker (either in the top or back).

Some are known to have minor software problems (ie: the flashing "?") most are known to be a-okay. (Point being that there is very little wrong that is not easily fixed. I will power each machine up and see what the deal is before I send it.

For those machines without a NIC, I most likely can provide one.

I did not have room to pick any of these machines up, so they are still at the school and there future looks bleak. If anyone is interested in having one of these machines, please post to this thread ASAP so that I can have them set aside.

If I will need to ship something to you (domestic US), I will require cash or MO and must recieve so prior to shipping. I will be asking $35 to $45 for each depending on how far I must ship it. I will ship with something that provides a tracking number (DHL, UPS, FED EX). (If you are tracking the math on that, I am looking to make a little bit of money on these, but not much over $7.)

International folks can do US currency or international postal money order. I will need to verify exact prices as shipping runs a bit higher depending on destination.

If you are close to NE FL and up for a swap meet, I will be as low as $5 or trade.


doug-doug the mighty's picture
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The "recycler" may come as la

The "recycler" may come as late as Monday, but I need to know well before then if any of these items are to be saved.


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Wish I had room for those. I

Wish I had room for those. I hate seeing old machines go bye bye :/

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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a reprieve...

I found enough takers locally (mostly folks with kids around 6 yrs, happy to have a kid ready learning tool as these are set up. Actually, only seven folks so far, but enough that I can justify bringing in the whole lot. Space in the garage is premium and really restrict acess to my workbench. At least I can save them.

Still looking to give them good homes. The some of the 475s have IIe cards (sans cables).


doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Too late...

I could not stop the wheels already in motion, but there may be more of these come May.

Easy come, easy go...


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I'm hoping you pulled the "go

I'm hoping you pulled the "good" parts from the recycled systems? If they have RAM/HDDs of sufficient size they'd be alot easier to move than the whole machines.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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I was only able to grab an LC 580 and an LV 475 with monitor. Everything else is gone. Check my blog for "update"s on what I did get.


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