Working on Franklin Ace 1000 and 1200

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Last seen: 11 hours 19 min ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2649
Working on Franklin Ace 1000 and 1200

Both of them the keyboards aren't working...  like 99% of old Keytronics foam & foil type keyboards the little discs are all bad.  I've taken apart and removed all those...  just waiting on replacements.  Anyone know of sources for those?  I backordered a set from TexElec, but who knows how long that will take since they apparently are only making them as needed.  I'm also in Texas so theoretically once they ship they should get here quickly.  I also ordered a set off eBay but they are coming from Italy and international shipping is always slow at best and right now with all the covid madness who knows...


The 1200 power supply also isn't working.  I thought it was just the 0.22uf RIFA that had gone bad but after replacing that with no affect and then looking at the board more closely I found two electrolytics that have leaked.  So I gotta remove those and figure out what values they are to replace them.  In the mean time I bought a working power supply off eBay, so I will end up with an extra.


Other than that power supply and the keyboard issues, both of these machines seem to be otherwise working well.  They'll boot up and run games.  Ones which just require joystick and not keyboard work OK.


A friend of mine had an Ace 1000 back in the day and I always thought they were kinda cool machines, especially the Ace 1200.



Last seen: 7 hours 44 min ago
Joined: Nov 29 2020 - 19:48
Posts: 135

I got my foam pads from TexElec in 10-14 days after I backorded them in early December. 

Last seen: 11 hours 19 min ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2649
Thanks for the info!  I am

Thanks for the info!  I am hoping that mine get here that fast!



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