How to Exit Music Constuction Set

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How to Exit Music Constuction Set

I have been enjoying the Music Construction Set program on my Apple IIgs computer and cannot figure out how to exit the program to get back to GS/OS. I've read though the manual and it does not state how to exit the program. I always have to turn off the computer and turn back on to get back to GS/OS. I'd apprcciate any help. Thanks.

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Music Construction Set

How are you able to launch it from GS/OS? I fired up a GS emulator, put the disk image into the 5.25 drive, double clicked on it and when it opened the image I saw no way to launch the program from GS/OS. DOS 3.3 doesn't know about GS/OS so as far as I know the only way you can get back to GS/OS is to turn the machine off  and restart.



Last seen: 2 days 8 hours ago
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Using a IIGS version

I'm using a IIgs version of the Music Construction set. The disk file name is Music Construction Set.2mg. I downloaded it from asimov or some other location. 

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Music Construction Set
old_hitech wrote:

I'm using a IIgs version of the Music Construction set. The disk file name is Music Construction Set.2mg. I downloaded it from asimov or some other location. 

If you pay attention to the screen as MCS/GS is booting it's running on Prodos 8, which, like DOS 3.3, really doesn't know anything about GS/OS. It's unusual for a program for the GS to be running from Prodos 8. MCS/GS must have been designed at the beginning of the GS's life. Most software designed for the GS back then at least ran from Prodos 16. The program can be launched directly from the disk image. The big problem is that it has no quit routine, so that's why you actually have to turn the GS off if you run it from GS/OS.

Last seen: 2 days 8 hours ago
Joined: Dec 21 2013 - 20:49
Posts: 121
Thanks for the explanation

I did notice the Prodos 8 while starting the Music Construction Set application. I also wondered why they did not use Prodos 16. But, I did not think that this (Prodos 8) would preclude the ability to provide a graceful exit back to GS/OS. Thanks for the explanation. The lack of Quit/Exit aside, Music Construction Set is.a nice application and really shows/demostrates the Apple IIGS' sound capabilities. 

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