IIc Plus RAM upgrades

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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: Oct 29 2021 - 20:51
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IIc Plus RAM upgrades

I understand the Apple RAM upgrade for the IIc won't work in the IIc Plus unless I replace the PAL chip because of a timing problem. Where do I get the replacement PAL chip?

There seems to be a rumor that later IIc Plusses were sold with a 256k RAM expansion installed. Where did this go? Where can I get one?

Last seen: 8 min 10 sec ago
Joined: Jun 6 2020 - 10:50
Posts: 475
This may not be the exact

This may not be the exact reply you are looking for. But as I understand it, the //c rom 3/4 and //c+ ram expansions are pretty rare. And the only modern replacement I know of is from a2heaven. Which from my experience is once something is out of stock there, it rarely if ever comes

back into stock.





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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: Oct 29 2021 - 20:51
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nick3092 wrote:This may not
nick3092 wrote:

This may not be the exact reply you are looking for. But as I understand it, the //c rom 3/4 and //c+ ram expansions are pretty rare.

True, but they are occasionally available, and I know where I might be able to get one. I want to make sure I can use it first.

Last seen: 5 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 14:45
Posts: 219
Apple //c LED screen

Is that your //c LED screen?

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Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: Oct 29 2021 - 20:51
Posts: 5
It's mine, an Apple. I got it

It's mine, an Apple. I got it for $15 at a second hand store in the 1990's. I guess the're a little more than that now. Your C-Vue looks very similar, exept where it's hinged. Apple displays fold down backward. I that a third party case?

Last seen: 5 months 4 weeks ago
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Posts: 219
Prairie Power System

Yes, that is the Prairie Powerpack System sold by Roger Coates out of San Diego, who also sold the C-Vue LCD screen and even would add backlighting to it (for a then unreasonable price, but I am sorry now mine does not have backlighing).

The Case came with a 12v rechargable battery pack (seen on the left) that connected through the DIN directly to the back of the //c for portable power.

I, of course, added the 3.5 floppy drive, which fit nicely in the middle of the Pack, after removing the C-Vue and putting it in its pocket on the back of the top part of the case, and turning the //c sideways.

In 1988, I brought it with me for work to the Cannes Film Festival with a 1200 baud "pocket modem" and //c serial cable and used it to send files back to the home office's 24/7 bulletin board.

I also have Applied Engineering's Z-RAM board installed for extra memory (primarily for Appleworks) and CP/M for WordStar and DBase II.

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