I’d like to ask you for help with my Apple ][ board: As you can see [here](https://imgur.com/a/ocoGj2W) (the upper one is without the ROMs, the lower with them), the board has some issues with the video output and start up process.
What has been tried:
- Using different monitors and TVs, including old CRTs
- Taking out the RAM
- all but row C
- all
- Taking out the ROMs
- only the Applesoft BASIC ROMs
- all but A5
- all
- Swapping around and the 74LS161 chips (D11-D14) or taking some of them out
- Reflowing connectors
What has been replaced:
- All chips but the ROMs (including the ones involved to the video circuit, according to the redbook)
- All transistors but the ones in the bottom left side
- All but the 44 0.1µF capacitors
- The timing crystal
Additional information:
- The values of the resistors are all as they should be according to the board.
- The power supply is home made for the EU, but it delivers the necessary voltages
- It is a 4th revision board
- All RAM chips are 16K
Sadly, I don’t have access to any
- oscilloscope
- multimeter that is able to measure a capacitors capacity
- another board
I really appreciate your help.
Usually the first thing I do is reseat the chips. Lifting them up and pushing them down scraps off any oxidation on the legs and re-establishes contact with the socket.
A drop of Contact Cleaner in the sockets also helps.