Reprints of manuals, ads, schematics

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Reprints of manuals, ads, schematics


I started a new project regarding the Apple-1. Now that I have finished creating the case (there is a version available for the gerber-file-board and for the mimeo), I am now turning my focus to the manuals. I did initial reprints of the Operation Manual, the schematics of the main board, the cassette interface manual and the Preliminary Basic Manual.


The first run is a reprint of cleaned and enhanced scans but the final goal will be to completely rebuild the manuals from scratch, i.e. redesigning them as close to the original as possible (which is QUITE a task). I saw that someone by the name of khaibitgfx already put much effort into a copy of the Apple Basic Manual which looks really nice but unfortunately is not an exact redesign. My goal would be to be indistinguishable close to the original regarding all aspects: Fonts, line spacing, kerning, drawings – the full monty.

The following documents are on my list:


1. First Full Page Advertising of Apple-1 (published in "Interface Age", Issue 11/76) (almost done)

2. Operation Manual

3. Cassette Interface Manual 

4. Preliminary Apple Basic Users Manual


I have a few questions regarding the task at hand:


1. The Apple-1 shown in the ad mentioned above: Has anybody come across the original picture that is used in the ad (okay, chances for this are basically zero, I know)

2. Is there a high-res version of the first Apple Logo available? I have something with a width of 2k pixels, so not too shabby, really, but maybe there is even a better source. 

3. Basically all scans I could find are "warped" a bit because the paper had not been completely flat during scanning. Does anybody know of scans where the single sheets of the manual have been "unmounted" (i.e. the saddle stitch binding has been removed to scans the pages without any "warping"?


Maybe somebody has information on any of those questions.


Apart from that: Let me know what you think about the project and – most importantly: What kind of final production would you like to see: A posh approach with really heavy and laminated paper that protects the print or rather something that looks like the paper from the 70ies?


Any feedback is highly appreciated!





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FYI. You will never be able

FYI. You will never be able to make them indistinguishable from the originals. You can't get the paper and ink anymore.  Say thanks to environmental laws.   

you can make nice printings using modern toner and paper, but you won't fool an expert.




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The last think I would intend

Corey986 wrote:

you can make nice printings using modern toner and paper, but you won't fool an expert.


The last thing I would intend to do is fool an expert. That would be fraud and is totally not my intention at all!

I know, of course, that neither ink, paper, saddle stitching etc. will be available today in the same way that had been on the market in 70ies. But defrauding people thinking this is the "real thing" is not the goal here, obviously. 

When I say "indistinguishable" I mean that the reprint should be as close to the original as possible. I am not after pretending the reprint would be mistaken as the original. I just want to preserve the original state of the design to the best I can. Sorry if the initial post did not make this clear. I thought that when I outlined that the final product could be on really posh heavy laminated paper made obvious what the goal was in fact.


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Hi reptroplace_1

If you want to and can do it - just do it and post it here, the community of A1 fans will say a big THANK YOU!!!

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In 200 years ...

In 200 years ... It won't really matter, will it?  It would be nice to have the reproduction. 

That's one of the things that makes the A1 repro boards so attractive.  Who has $500K+ to

spend on an original when you can have a nearly identical reproduction?  I think it would be cool

to have a reproduction manual to go with my reproduction A1.  +1 from me.

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Photo Scan

Here is a scan of the Photo you are looking for, let me know if that is good enough. 





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You have to be SH%$&/ING me!!

You have to be SH%$&/ING me!!!!!!

Man, that is AWESOME!!! Where in the world did you get this picture from. This is … … … it is … … …



I lack words. This is beyond awesome. Thank you so, so much for this!

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Apple-1 Ad.png
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Yes, this is the ad that I

Yes, this is the ad that I have re-created. It is not completely finished, though, as the lines to the parts of the board are missing. Because of that, it was not really meant to be made public in this state, but only had been sent as a private message (may I ask: Where did you get that picture from?). But it shows the direction I am heading for …


Hope you like it.



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I did a simular thing about

I did a simular thing about 10 years ago ...


Mike Willegal


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Also, the back of my ACI

Also, the back of my ACI manual contains a reproduction of the original ACI manual.



Mike Willegal


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I took it off Mike Willegal's website a long time ago.

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Mike, thanks for re-posting.

Mike, thanks for re-posting.  Missed it from the original post.  Great job, BTW.  Both you guys. +1

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Hi Mike, nice work! That is a

Hi Mike,


nice work! That is a different ad, though, right? I recreated the one printed in October 1976 in "Interface Age". Yours is similar to that one, but different in some aspects (design and wording).





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Macintosh_nik wrote:I took it
Macintosh_nik wrote:

I took it off Mike Willegal's website a long time ago.

I meant: Where did you get that picture you posted above from? It can not be from Mike because he created a slightly different ad. The picture you posted was done by me and I only sent it as a private message to wsander, i.e. the user who provided me with the highres scan of the mainboard.


I am just curious where you got it from as I just had created that a few hours earlier. 

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Mike WIllegal wrote:Also, the
Mike WIllegal wrote:

Also, the back of my ACI manual contains a reproduction of the original ACI manual.



Mike Willegal

Awesome stuff – looks really great. Yes, that's what I am trying to achieve, too. In an ideal world including a complete revamp of the schematics, too.


But, first, I am recreating the Preliminary Basic Users Manual. This is a rather easy task in comparison (still a few days of work, though). Once finished, I intend to do a small print run.

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There are a couple of keys to

There are a couple of keys to producing good quality repro documents in digital form.


1) Finding a closely matched digital font can sometimes be tricky.  These documents were created before the advent of desktop publishing,  though most vintage fonts have digital versions that are pretty close.


2) You might need to use relatively high end publishing software that allows for fine adjustment of kerning (spacing between letters) and line spacing.


-Mike Willegal

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retroplace_1 wrote:Macintosh
retroplace_1 wrote:
Macintosh_nik wrote:

I took it off Mike Willegal's website a long time ago.

I meant: Where did you get that picture you posted above from? It can not be from Mike because he created a slightly different ad. The picture you posted was done by me and I only sent it as a private message to wsander, i.e. the user who provided me with the highres scan o


You are confused, I have had this file for a very long time.


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Hello, I did some test prints



I did some test prints of the (nearly finished) re-created Apple-1 ad on different kind of paper. They come out really well. I like the one with the yellowish tint the most … I will do a few more tests and then do a limited print run of probably 100 sheets on 300gsm Munken Yellow.


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I just saw that the photo

I just saw that the photo you posted appears in the media browser. I simply did not realize that when I put it there when I uploaded it in order to be able to send it to wsander. I did not know that I made it available to everyone by doing so. Not an issue at all, of course. For clarification: In that very picture, the lines from the headlines next to the board to the specific parts of the boards are missing – I had not included those in that picture. That's why I know for sure that the picture you posted is the re-creation I did of that ad. Again, nothing to worry about. I just did not know that I made it public by accident.

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retroplace_1 wrote:I just saw
retroplace_1 wrote:

I just saw that the photo you posted appears in the media browser. I simply did not realize that when I put it there when I uploaded it in order to be able to send it to wsander. I did not know that I made it available to everyone by doing so. Not an issue at all, of course. For clarification: In that very picture, the lines from the headlines next to the board to the specific parts of the boar


Now I'm confused, I wanted to post Mike's file, how come I posted your file? I must have uploaded Mike's file and posted yours, they look the same, only yours is a .png and mine is a .pdf. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable, I just wanted to help you.


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Macintosh_nik wrote: I must
Macintosh_nik wrote:
I must have uploaded Mike's file and posted yours, they look the same, only yours is a .png
I think this is exactly what happened. Mine looks similar (but it is different in a few regards). No worries at all, though. I am happy we could clarify this.
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wsander wrote:Here is a scan
wsander wrote:

Here is a scan of the Photo you are looking for, let me know if that is good enough. 




Just one question. You said I should let you know if it was good enough which kinda implies that you possess an original negative or print of the picture. What you have provided already is simply wonderful. But if there is a chance for perfection, I would want to use it.

This scan has such a high resolution that I can even spot each and every dust particle. I wonder: Are those in the picture itself or have they been on the scanner while scanning. You probably think I must be mad asking, but: Is there any way to have this picture professionally scanned by a repro company? I would cover the costs, of course.

I hope you don't mind me asking.




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