Recently acquired a 48K Apple II+ (tagged 8047) with genuine Apple dual-disk controller and an Apple II floppy drive. It's cleaner than my Apple II (tagged 7847) that I've had since its birth.
It came with an card that appears to be a single drive controller, but testing reveals it doesn't. The previous owner was vague about the card's function. Behind the glare, next to the ribbon connector, it is imprinted "Symtec 82"
Interesting side note: It will fit in the Apple II+ slot, but will NOT fit in the Apple II slot; it's just a bit too long.
Anyone seen one of these before?
I don't have one of these cards, but it looks like a General Purpose digital I/O card, or the likes of.
At first glance, I thought it to be a parallel interface card. I know, not a definitive answer, but the buss interface IC's are a hint.
You should file the card exge width to fit a 50-pin slot better.
Thanks for your comment. True, I have a Mountain CPS (Clock/Parallel/Serial) card with a similar 10-pin ribbon connector for serial I/O. Also, a parallel printer card to Centronics connector with a similar 10-pin ribbon connector. The R/C buffers on the I/O are unlike the disk controller. But, you know, without the drivers, it's hard to make the hardware function. Thanks!