Hey guys
This is my first post on here just saying hi.
but i have a powerbook G3 300mhz. I got it off ebay for like 200 shipped and when i go to boot all i get is the disk with a ? in the middle. I even tried booting an OS from disk and it wont even recongize that
any ideas?
I know one thing about macs. You have to use an Operating System that was recent at the time of the mac being built, or a recent operating system that is still supported. My Pismo (PB G3 FireWire) will not accept anything less than OS 9.1, but will use OS 9.1 and above. (including the most recent version of OS X.) The same thing applies to my iBook G3 900Mhz. The oldest OS I can use is OS X.2.4 (10.2.4). Try os 8.5 or above.
even if you use an OS that won't boot it, it will still respond with a dialog box stating same. The laptop in question isn't getting that far. Try zapping the pram. any chance you have an external CD or HD that you can use to test?
Some newer models that use OpenFirmware don't tell you if the OS version is wrong. My iMac DV 450+ wouldn't boot from an 8.6 CD but it also wouldn't tell you anything, it would just sit there twiddling it thumbs staring at me. No messages or diagnostic output.