Apple 2 color monitor pcb

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Apple 2 color monitor pcb

I'm trying to resurect my Apple 2 color monitor, the pcb is pretty close to beyond repair without a mess of bodge wires as some of the traces have disintagrated and the rest isn't much better. Does anyone know where I might get a reproduction pcb or a file I can send to a pcb maker and have them make a new one?

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Color?Is that the same


Is that the same monitor that I purchased used some years ago off of eBay that was sold for use with the Apple //c?

It worked originally but one day after some years of disuse, when I turned it on, smoke was emitted and I quickly turned it off.

Must need new capacitors, which I am not willing to do, nor am I interested in having done.

I use my Apple //c now with either my Samsung 23" LED Monitor or the 9" Naxa portable HDTV, both of which have video input.

I would be interested in selling off the color monitor for a nominal amount plus shipping if it is what you are looking for.

I also have the Color Monitor stand that I purchased off of eBay and never even opened the box!

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MichaelLAX wrote:Color?Is
MichaelLAX wrote:


Is that the same monitor that I purchased used some years ago off of eBay that was sold for use with the Apple //c?

It worked originally but one day after some years of disuse, when I turned it on, smoke was emitted and I quickly turned it off.

Must need new capacitors, which I am not willing to do, nor am I interested in having done.

I use my Apple //c now with e

I  would be interested in the stand.

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Let's see what happens first

Let's see what happens first with the monitor

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It's a color monitor for the

It's a color monitor for the apple 2, I don't see them very often as the monitors I usually see for the apple 2 are the green monochrome ones. Aside from having bad traces it does need new caps as some of them are almost half spheres on the end. If it were a monochrome I wouldn't bother but I've noticed the color monitors aren't as common in the wild.

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front and back photos

Here is mine:


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I fix broken monochrome Apple

I fix broken monochrome Apple II monitors all day long.. They are pretty straightforward with plenty of schematics and documentation online.


I have 3 broken Applecolor composite monitors (in various models that are all very similar in design) There is basically NO documentation or schematics for these monitors online... Thats why I have a pile of dead ones...  Apple does stupid stupid things.... keeping this info from the public after all these years.

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I recapped my AppleColor IIc

I recapped my AppleColor IIc monitor earlier this summer. There was no documentation as mentioned. So I had to inventory all the caps myself and created a cap map showing the orientation of all of them as well. They used some terrible no name caps in these. And one of the largest caps had a domed/bulging top. Once I inventoried and drew up the map, it was a very straight forward job.

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I am not talking about caps.

I am not talking about caps. Caps are easy , they have the value printed on the side. I stock thousands of spare caps for all the stuff I repair. These monitors have faults. And without proper documentation its ridiculously hard to troubleshoot. I just end up shotgunning components.

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It's the hail marry of long

It's the hail marry of long shots but I just sent an email to Tim Cook. Maybe if I get lucky he will send me schematics and maybe pcb designs which I would post here and any other apple 2 forum I know of.

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Color Composite Apple II Monior Issue



I have a color composite monitor on my IIe that bleeds a lot of purple around the edges of text, etc. Also it does this weird thing where inverse text causes the screen to distort really badly. Like as if someone grabbed the top right and the bottom left and then pulled them in opposite directions.


I want to see if I can resolve the issue and as you noted there do not seem to be schematics readily available for these monitors. Sounds like you have some experience with them so I'm hoping maybe you can  point me in the right direction. 

I've not had a lot of experience with fixing monitors though I'm used to high voltage work as I *have* replaced a few fly backs back in the day and also I work on tube guitar amps. 


Any tips would be greatly appreciated. 





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From what you are describing

From what you are describing it sounds like convergence issues. Do a youtube search for convergence strips.. I recently fixed a mac trinitron monitor with convergence issues. Same principal.


Its not the flyback. its definitely the way the yoke is tuned.  There are also a couple pots on the flyback for screen adjustment, those in turn with the convergence strips and the yoke collars need to be adjusted to fix that.


But you know that text on the screen with graphics always bleeds green and purple. Doesnt your monitor have a black and white button to cancel out color? Does the text look ok then?

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Yes but the graphics bleed as well



And then there is the screen freaking out and distorting. But yes there is a B&W button and it does clean up the text. But Wizardry and Ultima look a lot worse than I remember. Course it HAS been like, what, near 40 years. So maybe I'm just idealizing what it used to look like when I was a kid. :/  

The bleed through I could live with even if I can't clean it up any at all. The screen distorting kind of makes it unusable though. 

I will investigate your suggestions. I'd like to clean it up some if possible. At least till I find an RGB card, or a RAMWorks RGB daughter board. 

Oh and the fly back comment was just to save you from having to warn me how I can stop my heart mucking about the innards of  CRT tube monitor. Working on tube amps I learned to be careful and to keep one hand in my pocket. :-)


Thanks for the advice! 



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necron9x11 wrote:Verault, And
necron9x11 wrote:



And then there is the screen freaking out and distorting. But yes there is a B&W button and it does clean up the text. But Wizardry and Ultima look a lot worse than I remember. Course it HAS been like, what, near 40 years. So maybe I'm just idealizing what it used to look like when I was a kid. :/  

The bleed through I could live with even if

 Would really help if you post some good photos.....

And I am not going to warn you not to stick a fork in an outlet. If you havent learned that by now, nature will resolve the problem.. Having those guys on youtube throw up the disclaimer EVERY Single time they mention CRT's just upsets me. Treat people like idiots and they become idiots.


But seriously on the photos.




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Before you go mucking with

Before you go mucking with the convergence... If the color bleed goes away when you press the monochrome button, then it definiely IS NOT convergence.

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jeffmazur wrote:Before you go
jeffmazur wrote:

Before you go mucking with the convergence... If the color bleed goes away when you press the monochrome button, then it definiely IS NOT convergence.

Oh yess, 100% right .  But its all just speculation until we see the photos.

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I agree


Yea that is annoying. 

As to the pictures, I have been meaning to but I've been using a vga daughter board on my Reactivemedia RAMWorks card and the composite is in storage. Been trying to swing but to pick it up,the past few days so I could take pix to post but I've not had a chance yet. I will get it and take some pix in the next few days. 



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So no photos I take it....

So no photos I take it.... shame

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