Hey Folks,
Anyone been able to get a version of Ultima II that works on SE/30s?
The only version I have been able to find is a "booter" disk that happily boots up then locks up my Mac as soon as I click a menu.
I have a fond memory of this game on the Mac, and hoped to play it again on the first platform I played it on.
Hmm.... IDK if this works on models beyond the Plus and original SE. It is a 1985 release, with weord copy protections.
You could try running it from a Sys 6 machine. I sincerely doubt that it will run on Sys 7.
IMO, the Apple ][ version is the way to go.
I suspect that the 030 trips it up somehow, as may the SE/30 ROM and memory map.
Given your other issues with that SE/30, I do not want to offer any sort of diagnosis, as the system may have faults.
Typical Origin of the time :-)
The disk is self booting. You can't actually run the disk from any OS. Yeah, dumb design, I know.
I'll see if I can get a Mac emulator to run it. If I go 8 Bit, I'm more likely to go C64. It was a reasonably good port.
Also my SE/30 has been behaving fine since I cleaned and lubed the FDD :-)
You might be thinking of jamesleboulanger who was having all sorts of issues...
I got Ultima II working in PCE Mac without issues. It wouldn't work under MiniVMac, but that may be a setting I missed.