Original Merlin

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Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: Nov 5 2020 - 11:41
Posts: 14
Original Merlin

Hi, new forum member here. I'm looking to see if anyone can shed some light on which version of Merlin to use on Virtual ][. I'm preparing to buy an Apple //e for real and want to ramp up to programming on it via Virtual ][. I have found several version of the assembler and don't really know how to compare them - they all kind of look the same to me :). I watched this video:

Assembly Lines #1

and, it appears the videographer, Chris Torrence, is using the original Merlin, which I have been unable to locate. I found a version that resembles it, but has a bordered splash screen before the menu that doesn't appear in the video. The only reasons that I'm trying to match it are 1) it works for him and I'd like it to work for me, and 2) I can't really differentiate between versions. For example, he uses the ORG mnemonic, which, while handy, doesn't seem to work in anything other than the 1983 version (the one with the splash screen that boots to Merlin... not Merlin 8 or Merlin-Pro)...


So, my questions are:

1. Which version do y'all recommend for Virtual ][ programming of the simulated //e?

2. Which version for the real //e?





Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: Sep 16 2009 - 18:34
Posts: 73
Merlin version

I recently went through a similar search and found thatr version 2.43 worked best for me when using AppleWin on my PC, and for actual use on my IIe enhanced. I downloaded it from here: https://macgui.com/downloads/?file_id=8140


I'm not sure why it has the label of Disk 1 included since I was unable to locate a Disk 2. It's enough for me to get back into learning 6502 assembly again.


There also appears to be three disks available which can be found here: https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/programming/assembler/merlin/   Look for verison 2.43 in a ZIP file format. That file contains all three disks images which I have not investigated to date.


Good luck!




Last seen: 47 min 24 sec ago
Joined: Jun 18 2010 - 13:54
Posts: 803
Merlin Pro 2.43 works great

Merlin Pro 2.43 works great with Virtuall II. And since Virtual II is scriptable, I do all my editing on the Mac and control the rest of the assembly/test process wth Applescripts.

I'm sure all versions use the ORG pseudo opcode but the use of OBJ is rather limited. And DSK has allowed me to build some rather large programs.


Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
Joined: Nov 5 2020 - 11:41
Posts: 14
Thanks for the info. I'll

Thanks for the info. I'll give 2.43 a spin. My limited understanding is that the second disk was docs, but don't quote me.



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