an LC 630 in a CD Case

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coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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an LC 630 in a CD Case

I have started a hack that would put an LC 630 into a Sony CD Stereo case. So far I have gutted both the CD Case and the LC 630. My hope is that I can get the Mac cd-rom to fit on top of the Mobo. and fit the drive door perfectly in the rectangular cutout. The biggest problem I have right now after I have assessed the situation, is that there is only a 1/4" gap between the board and the drive. the other problem i have is getting the PS into the case and not having it make contact with the case. I will let you know when I get full-fledged into the hack. BTW, any suggestions would be helpful.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 1975
And I'm off...

I have started the proccess of getting the board into the case. BTW I forgot to mention that the case is the size of a boom box as far as Length x Width. And the Height is 5.5" tall. On to the program.. I have to fit the board in sideways with the ports sticking out of the left side of the enclosure. Anpther thing is I have to swap the devices on the IDE and The SCSI bus's. In other words, instead of having a SCSI CD and IDE HDD, I will have a SCSI HDD and an IDE CD Drive.
I will be using the the original tray slot that the case uses and i will put the tray of the drive there. Some soldering will be done for the power button and the cd eject button. The hard part is going to be putting a speaker in to the case seeing as I am have enough trouble getting the original parts in there as it is.

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Good luck!

Post pics when you're done!


Last seen: 18 years 1 week ago
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Test the IDE interface for . . .

. . . compatability with your CD-ROM before getting your hopes up. I've heard from multiple sources that the early Apple implementations of IDE don't support opticals, but I've never actually tested it. Good luck with your boom-box hack and keep us informed!

jt Wink

p.s. I know there were Optical Drive specific ATAPI->SCSI bridges from ACARD (& probably others) that'd allow you to do what you'd like and still allow you to use a bid IDE HDD for your hack. They might be inexpensive on eBay as there might not be much demand for them.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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there's a hold-up

I seem to be having problems getting the cdrom into the case. If it goes in, there is no room for the ram, and if I leave the ram out, I only have 4MB's of memory. The reason is that the cdrom has to sit directly on the board since the case is only 6" tall. It is low and Wide. Plus I have to build a mount for the cdrom. as far as checking the cdrom compatibility, I haven't tried checking that. Thx for the tip. Other than the cdrom, Everything else is mounted. BTW, for your info, there will be no floppy, just an external Zip drive.
Edit: I just uploaded pictures of the CD Case hack. The pictures are of the layout

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 1975
Hello All, It LIVES!

I just completed the case hack and am working on getting the pictures up. Right now it is a server over LocalTalk. When I access it, it feels like i'm doing everthing over a 56Kbps modem. If you want to know how slow it is, Try this: put 1GB on a Floppy disk and try to access everything at that speed. As far as the pictures go, I will have them up before tomorrow. I am setting my clone up to access my QuickTake 150 Camera (my 3MP is out of batteries) so It will be a while. Note: I have dubbed the server :Sony Macintosh Server 630CD. It's a Sony because it says so on the case. I will post a page up sometime soon. Another thing is that I will posting information on the PowerComputing Clones to AF. If you have any info on them, drop me a message. Bye Y'all

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Good News!!!

I have Completed the hack and pictures are up. To see my pictures, look up "coius" in the AF Search, and look at my image gallery. PLEASE Give me Comments. I WANT to know what YOU think. I can't improve hacks if I don't know what you think. Thx Guys, And I'll see you guys. Later


tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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Posts: 568
Very Cool!

Very nice, sleek black low-profile server!

A few comments:

- Any way to glue the original CD drawer front on? The beige drawer front looks a bit out of place.

- You might consider cleaning up that port side a bit, perhaps painting the exposed 630's metal fence black?

- Have you tied in (or do you plan to tie in) any of the Sony outer control buttons to the computer (power, up/down, etc.)

- Do you have the 630's IR and speaker-volume control board installed?

- Am I correct that there was no way to fit the mobo in the case in such a way that the rear ports would come out the back of the Sony unit rather than the side?

Overall, looks great as a functional project. It could be even better if some of the aesthetics and other details were attended to in the future now that you have it basically working.


coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Re: Very Cool

Comment #1.

Sorry, The original cd Tray was a custom made 1 pc. Tray. However, I can paint the tray to be black. Even if I had the opportunity to do it, I don't think I could due to the fact that the cd drive is in there so akward.

Comment #2
Since I am still not completely done I will be doing minor touch-ups when I do have time.
Thank's for telling me, That will be the next thing done.

Comment #3

I might hack an apple ergonomic keyboard and assign the F1-F15 keys to the Play, Stop, Ffwd keys, etc.. They will mainly be used to run self-service utilities and other stuff (file-sharing On/Off, Disk Defrag. Other stuff)

Comment #4

I have not put those in as I typically think servers don't use them anyway. There is no Speaker either, as this is just going to be used for archiving old software. (plus I don't want to hear the *Boooonnnng* every time it starts.

Comment #5

I could not put the board in straight front to back Because of two things:
(1.) The cd-rom was difficult enough to put in already, If I were to turn the board where the ports are out the back, It would be Dang-near impossible...
(2.) there with that position, I would not be able to stretch the cable far enough to the HDD. I already wasted two SCSI Cables to get that HDD in (original and the one in there after splicing)
So the answer to that is "no"

BTW : Did you notice that there is NO fan? That is because after monitoring it over-night, I found that it was cool enough to not put one in. Plus the fact that the sound of the fan is a pain to listen to at night. (this is in my room with a Mac Clone (PCC Powerbase) and a Pismo. The PCC is noisy enough as it is.)


coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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since applefritter

since applefritter hasn't put my hack up yet, this is the link to the images:

tell me what you think!

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Owad: contact me!!!

I have been waiting for almost 1 1/2 months for Owad to put up this hack and have submitted it twice...
Owad: please put up the hack! I have PM'd you and have not heard from you. Please contact me at
I really want this up!!!

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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I tried to power up the server and found that a surge had hit it. It wiped out the ADB Ports, the Serial ports and the power Supply. I tried to power it on with a new PS and found that it did startup, but was not able to communicate with keyboard or mouse, and I was not able to access it over localtalk. So, it is now silent. It was a great hack, but now it rests in pieces, on the dining room table. I took out the 1GB SCSI hard drive and put it into the PowerBase, Which is up for sale on AF

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Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
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Posts: 1975
i have a site up...
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