Airburst Extreme Feature Requests

Everyone can use this thread to request features for Airburst updates. Let me start it off:

  • Packaged neatly in a single application bundle, like UT2k4
  • iTunes playlist support
  • Rendezvous support for LAN play
  • Some really cool custom balloons for download
  • Character balance. Improve Maya, maybe nerf Flux a bit?
  • More game modes! Basketball, with constant sticky bat, or hockey, etc.
  • More powerups! Someone suggested Swap! Maybe a powerup

I think items 1-5 would make a very solid 1.1 update. Item 6-7 would make very nice future updates. Any other suggestions?

Also, for the devs, how has Airburst sales been going? I hope they're going strongly Smile

All you need to do to improve character balance is to tone down Jera and maybe MM-1... Maybe have Laser Extreme be more like four balls of light that act like everlasting popgun pellets...

What about extreme shockwave or whatever? I always found that power really weak. Maybe couple it with anti gravity, but still keep its short length?

I think shockwave should be with mines instead. More unique... and what does homing extreme do, exactly? It's bugging me...

As for the update... here is a list:
Fix the bugs and junk, of course. Make it so the goalie can't win football so easily and cheaply. Make Jeras Laser last for a split second, to avoid cheap-tactularness. Make ickle bat shrink your bat to 2 again... unless theres a reason. Make the bird pop random balloons on the outer level, then, when the outer levels gone, move into the middle one because that hole the bird makes is annoying- For the Pop! game too. Make it so you can put a custom skin in the game without replacing one of the in-game ones. Other racing levels. Make Floaters save if you change them. Make armored balloons take two hits with the bird and Pop!

Power-ups, and their graphic, with no regard to programming:
SPEED BAT-One that would speed your bat up-A bag of sugar maybe. Or sports drink.
SLOW BAT-One that would slow it down-A jar of Peanut Butter.
H E BALL-If the ball hits anyone, it will blow up a lot of balloons and propel them-
A bomb. One of them round ones. Or dynamite.
THRU BALL-A nasty one. It would go through balloons without bouncing away. You could hit it with the bat. Might be too insane with BCM-A powersaw or chainsaw.
STEALTH BALL-The bursters will turn invisible. When it hits something it will appear for a second-A pair of dark glasses.
SPIN BAT-Your bat will spin around like the computers do when Mayas activated. Pressing Left and right will only alter the speed-A tire.
DRUNKEN BAT-Your bat will swerve around like its drunk. The computers do this sometimes-One of those jugs with the XXX on it.
PAINT-When you hit a ball, it will stay your color for the duration of the power-up. I saw this SOMEWHERE, can't remember though-Paintcan or paintbrush.
DENSE-Your balloons will close in around your floater, making 3 rows fit in the space of the first. Words can't explain well... I doubt programming can easily either-A vacumn cleaner.
BREEZE BAT-Point your bat at someone, and they'll float away-A hand fan.
STAR GRAVITY-Will attract EVERYTHING to you. Players, bursters, mines and, if possible, powerups-A star or a black hole.
EXTREME POWER-Will fill your meter up. There could be others that fill it up less or drain it-I cant think of anything.
NUKE-Will make a big explosion (Not as big as the screen, but big) that will make the screen fade out like there was a big bomb (Fade-in. Fade-ou.. you know what I mean.) and pop ALL of your balloons, but the explosion blows up other players balloons if it hits them and propels them in the direction they were hit. Rare-The nuclear symbol.
RESSURECT-If you get it, you will come back if you die, but with no balloons. If your color burster gets one after you die, you come back-A cross. Or is that too religous...
OBSTRUCT (OR WHATEVER THE THING IS)-Something will pop up in front of the screen and get in your way and dance about and annoy you. This thing has come up in games before, and I love it. You should decide what it is. I personally think it would be wierdest if it was Zwilnik-Something in relation to the thing.

Phew! Thats it now. I really like powerups and stuff, especially on a game like this!

Decoy: Pretty much the same as Megaball, but only one of the balls is actually real (as in, does damage). Sprite - Fake Burster.