AppleWriter II for Apple II plus and AE 80 column card not working.

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AppleWriter II for Apple II plus and AE 80 column card not working.

So I have a Applied Engineering Viewmaster 80 column card in my apple II plus. When I use Applewriter II for the apple II plus. It engauges the 80 column card but dos not work corretly. The command CTRL I 1 does not disble the 80 column card. So I have to bypass it.  The viewmaster just says to reboot the computer. I also found out the Apple Writer II is only compatible out of the box with a super R terminal 80 column card.  The Veiwmaster is compatible with the Video Term card. Yes I have tried video term patchs and such. Some stuff works great The other stuff does not. So if anybody can think back when and ofer a suguestion or maybe another dsk image patch. That would be great. On a side note. Remember this is Apple Writer II not Apple WRiter II 2.0 for apple iie or above.





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Is Apple Writer not

Did you try:


How much RAM do you have in the system?

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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Posts: 104
for some reason the nib don't work

for some reason the .nib files don't work adtpro to floppy. I don't know why. They look up fine in a emulator. So the 2 I found I cannot use. 64k with and addiitonal 768 on a ramfactor board.



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NovellNetware wrote:for some
NovellNetware wrote:

for some reason the .nib files don't work adtpro to floppy. I don't know why. They look up fine in a emulator. So the 2 I found I cannot use. 64k with and addiitonal 768 on a ramfactor board.




As you are already using emulators:


Create a blank .dsk image.

Load Copy II Plus

Do a BIT COPY process:

Set SRC to Slot 6, D1

Set DEST to Slot 6, D2

Load the .NIB file into D1, and the blank disk to D2.



This should give you an image that ADT Pro can use. CiderPress and AppleCommander both refused to open that .NIB file, so I couldn't easily convert it for you.

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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23
Posts: 104

Thanks. I'll try that. I have a few other nib images only and can't wait to see if it works on all of them.





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