iBook Warrantied vid problem

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 174
iBook Warrantied vid problem

my iBook's mobo today died the common vid chip death.

I am backing it up with target disk mode... HOWEVER, I cannot send mine in for mobo replacement since it is so hacked up.

Anyone know a way to just get a motherboard replced without sending in the whole iBook? I checked the serial on the motherboard and it i one covered by the warranty... but I can't send it in for replacement in the iBook it is currently in...

Any ideas?

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 634
Buy a dead one on ebay and st

Buy a dead one on ebay and stick you mobo inside it?

Borrow someone elses iBook and transplant?

Sorry, all I can think of.

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 130
How hacked is your iBook? Cer

How hacked is your iBook? Certian things might void a warranty others may not. If it's just a paintjob I don't see a problem..Apple can't stop people from painting thier macs if they really want to.

Best thing to to is go to an Apple Store/Authorized Dealer and ask them about it and show them and see what they say. Maybe they can pull some strings.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 174
WAY too hacked!!!


Um, my iBook is probably one of the MOST hacked iBooks you'll ever see.

Trust me, they wouldn't come near the thing or honor ANY sort of warranty on it.


Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 89

I ran into this same problem. My original iBook 500 motherboard died when I failed to overclock it properly, darn fine soldering job, just but the resistors across the wrong damn pads. I bought another motherboard 600 mhz from www.powerbooktech.com. That replacement board eventually died from the video problem. Both boards were covered by the recall but since I'd modified the iBook so much apple wouldn't take it back. They said that because the motherboard was replaced by me and not an Apple tech that voided any responsibilities on their part, apparently even pulling the serial number stickers off the case is enough to curse the machine as that's "tampering" with the serial number.

When I called Apple to try and return it I got rejected, but each operator happily booted me up the chain o' command to the next level where I finally ended on the line with a manager and his super manager I guess. They went through the language of the recall documents with me trying to see if Apple would accept my iBook. After about 10 minutes of examining the grammar of the recall the higher guy said sorry but no.

Then it got odd. The lower manager kept talking to me and asked if there was anything else or if there was anything else I wanted to say. I got the impression that there was some secret phrase/complaint/symptom I could say that would get the iBook accepted. I thought for awhile but nothing came to mind, even when I said 'no' the operator stayed on the line waiting. Maybe he was just screwing with me.

if www.powerbooktech.com is still in buisness check anything you get from them over carefully. The first board I got was clearly burned and barely booted, but they took it back and rushed out another one.

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