CF in Vulcan v1.2 E40 ?

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CF in Vulcan v1.2 E40 ?

Has anyone successfully used a 32MB FCF card with a Vulcan //e (1.2, E40) card? I have two Vulcan cards: One is reaseved for a //gs, and will eentually get a GOLD ROM; the other is a //e 40MB card. 


Will  ulcan utilities properly partition and format a 32MB CF card on one of these, or will it lose its mind when it tries to determine head/sector counts?


Ere anyone asks, I only wish to do this because I already have the devices, and they are authentic to the system era. I am perfectly aware of newer devices, and I have SCSI cards, too. 

dorkbert's picture
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It should be feasible, since I recall seeing someone selling vulcan rom paired with CF card.

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I have a Vulcan with that ROM

I have a Vulcan with that ROM. I'm using a Sandisk 32mb CF. It was formatted and partitioned with the Vulcan utilities.

The Vulcan is particular about which CF the Utilities will work with. I've successfully tried various Sandisk 16 & 32mb, Canon 16 & 32mb,  a Nikon 16mb and a HP 16mb.

There's also a PC utility out there that lets you format & partition larger CFs for the Vulcan. I don't have a PC but a friend formatted some larger CFs with that utility. You don't end up with more mbs, it just lets you use CFs that you otherwise couldn't

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Wayne wrote:I have a Vulcan
Wayne wrote:

I have a Vulcan with that ROM. I'm using a Sandisk 32mb CF. It was formatted and partitioned with the Vulcan utilities.

The Vulcan is particular about which CF the Utilities will work with. I've successfully tried various Sandisk 16 & 32mb, Canon 16 & 32mb,  a Nikon 16mb and a HP 16mb.

There's also a PC utility out there that lets you format & partition larger CFs for the Vulcan. I don't have a PC but a friend formatted some larger CFs with that utility. You don't end up with more mbs, it just lets you use CFs that you otherwise couldn't



Is there any chance that you could get the name of the utility that he used? I do have PCs and that'd be ideal.


dorkbert wrote:


It should be feasible, since I recall seeing someone selling vulcan rom paired with CF card.

Aye. I ordered that. It's been a month with nothing, and I found out that he posts it from China. Caveat emptor. Note though that this specific thread is for the E40 ROM. The Gold ROM is //gs only, which is what I will be putting on my 20MB card. You can't use the Gold rom with a //e AFAIK.

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Since I never used it my

Since I never used it my recall was less than perfect, it's a Linux utility. You can find it at

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Beautiful. Thank you very

Beautiful. Thank you very much!

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On eBay, there was also this kit.

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amauget wrote:Hi,On eBay,
amauget wrote:


On eBay, there was also this kit.

I ordered that exact kit, from that seller, six weeks ago. I still have no tracking, no confirmation that it was dispatched, and the seller quite frankly doesn't seem inclined to care. He is in Bulgaria, and the item states that it is posted from 'Hong Kong/China/Taiwan'. I doubt that I will ever see it, and I personally do not advide buying from him. 


I'm going to start the process of requesting a refund because six weeks with absolutely no clue if it was dispatched and the seller giving feedback of 'This is retro tech. WHy do you care how long it takes to arrive?' is an unacceptable business model, IMO. If he can't dispatch it, he should own up to that and offer a refund, or at least an apology. There are no statements on the item listing, to indicate that this could be a problem. 


This is why I am going my own route, as the available plug/play kit is vapourware as far as I can tell. 

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Deleted. Reason: Harassment - Tom

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Well, I am the seller of that

Deleted -Tom

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Well, I am the seller of that

Deleted. - Tom

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Well, I am the seller of that

Deleted. - Tom

Tom Owad's picture
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George,I can't email you


I can't email you because you've used throw-away addresses for all your accounts, and I would rather not keep deleting your posts and banning your new accounts all day long. I understand you're upset,  but I suspect it would be better for your business if people saw only a complaint about shipping delays, without your follow-up harassment and doxing of a customer. This post will be removed one month after the harassment stops. 

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@George (&c)

@George (&c)


I am going to say somethin here, please keep it in mind.


I empathise with issues and delays in getting orders out to clients. The COVID situation had a worldwide, dramatic impact; but hounding me because I advised not to order from you is not a good business policy, and it does not reflect well on your business ethics. If you want to discuss this with me, in private--if you comprehend that conceptally--feel free. I am happy to come to some sort of accord, but insofar as what you have been doing, this is a completelty childish behaviour pattern, and I have absoltely no patience, nor the time to deal with that sort of behaviour. 


What you are doing here, is showing the A2 userbase that none of us want to deal with you, because you will flame anyone who says anything negative about your business policies. Wake up, please, and start acting like a professional, or please just go away. 

Tom Owad's picture
Last seen: 3 days 2 hours ago
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Casablanca, aliases George

Casablanca, aliases George_Labs, George_Labss, George_Labsss, Censored, censored2, censored3, censored4, censored5, censored6, censored7, censored8, censored9, censored10, censored51, censored52, censored41, connect1, connect2, vulcan (with bendii syndrome?), alabala, TomTheCensor, spear, 12345678:

My offer to delete the post stating you harass your customers and share their personal information is now withdrawn.

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