Hello everyone. I just got a cool Vulcan hard drive set up in a IIe. It is physically in superb condition.
It makes a high pitch winning sound when turned on. The screen shows wavy lines. I have experienced this same screen with bad power supplies on regular apple IIe's. The cards LED lights up red.
My initial guess is the power supply is screwed. But of course this may change with additional info...
I have to say I would not have started a thread had I found some info on the net. I searched several topics and have found no info my self.
I did notice the IIgs Vulcan drive thread from a few months ago.
Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.
Any help will be appreciated.
what information are you looking for?
Maybe start here:
If I picked up a Vulcan that wasn’t functioning, I’d likely first pull the drive and power it up with an external power supply and try that and the card in another IIe. I'm assuming from your signature t6hat you likely have another IIe about.
Hello transwarp II guy,
wayne is mentioning this thread:
and the other thread is:
the analysis there is delayed for a while - but will be continued in few days...
and finally not to forget the archives from AE themselves at:
with that 3 links you should be able to find everything you are searching for....
Hi, thanks you guys. These articles are definitely going to help me out.
I'll update this thread when I fix or at least diagnose the vulcan drive.
Hello. I am looking for any version of Vulcan //e (even ][+?) EPROM image (I have only for GS and those on the net are only for GS, too...)Thank you.
Speedy's last link gives you rom images.
Those are GS rom images only. As I wrote I am looking for //e EPROM contents...It is different and works on //e and probably on ][+.
Hello Georgel,
it seems to me that you did not really examine the links......
the third link is related to the respository of Applied Engineering ( the manufacturers of the Vulcan )
there is a link to the ROM vers. 1.4 !
the version 1.4 is for Apple IIe and II+ - while the version 2.0 ( also at that page ) is for the IIGS....
I think I have downloaded and briefly analyzed every rom image available on the net (actually only these 2 images are available everywhere - 1.4 & 2.0 Gold) prior asking here, unfortunately that version 1.4 is also only for GS (and, yes, it works on GS). It can be downloaded from mirrors.apple2.org.za, too...They are identical...
You need to ask around for 1.4E, because some people don't know there is a 1.4E (optimized for IIe and II+) and 1.4GS (optimized for IIGS). All 2.0 ROMs are 'Gold' and are for the IIGS only, afaik.
Did you check the 1.4 at http://www.downloads.reactivemicro.com/Public/Apple%20II%20Items/ROM_and_JEDEC/Vulcan/ to see if it's the E or GS version?
Yes, it is the same as everywhere around the net. Probably all web sites copy from one another. This rom file appears to be a 1.4GS40 version according to my experiments. I have on a card an original 1.4GS20 ROM which is different and does not support more than 20MB HDD...I am looking for any version for //e (and/or?) ][+ Unfortunately AE's GS rom is not running on a //e maybe due to the usage of specific 65C816 instructions. Probably a //e ROM would work on both //e and //GS...
I have a IIe Vulcan with version 1.4 of the ROM. Unfortunately all my burners won’t handle that size of EPROM so making an image would be difficult. I do have an EPROM copier though that does handle that size and I’ve made backups of that EPROM. An EPROM’s small enough that it could likely go as a regular letter.
Thank you. I guess I can send you a couple of empty 27128s first...I live in EU, is that OK for you? I can pay you the shipping to my country with paypal in advance...But it would have been much faster by using some sort of reader at your site...Do you have access to old PCS?
My Vulcan card as the "VUL 1.42E20" EPROM.
Just let me know of you want an image.
Yes, thanks in advance, since I don't have any ROM for //e this would be perfect!
Antoine, if you need the image of VUL1.4GS20 which I have and is not on the net, I can post it here (not sure so far if it is possible to attach small files)...
Here are my ROM files along with pictures of my cards.
As you'll see, I also have another A.E. Vulcan controller with a IIGS ROM but with v1.2 ROM. I'm interested in v1.4 too.
You can add files by clicking "Create content" link on the top left menu.
You have to compress the binary file because all extensions are not supported.
Thank you. Here is my ROM file from Vulvan card GS20
BTW is this some sort of retro obfuscating or am I ignorant with A2 ROM routines but analyzing AE Vulcan's code I noticed almost all output strings have in their "ASCII" bytes the most significant bit set. Is this required by A2 monitor cout rom routines or is this one of those ancient tricks to obfuscate the text in code?
Hello George,
Let me know please,
Did you find IIe version of ROM ? I am looking for this ROM but cannot find it
As posted previously, the //e ROM is available here:
The 1.4 version is the //e version I believe, whereas the 2.0 Gold ROM is for the IIgs.
As jeffmazur points out, this is normal for the Apple II: ASCII characters normally have the high bit set.
This is not restricted just to strings for display on the screen. The text files stored on disk by EDASM have the high bit set on all characters, and the listing output to the printer on the serial port also has the high bit set on all characters.
(My "printer" is a terminal window on a Linux machine; I use
stty </dev/ttyUSB0 19200 -parenb istrip icrnl
to strip the high bit and change the CRs to newlines.)