. . . real soon now!
I HATE the very notion of uneditable initial posts . . . soooo . . . BUMP!
jt :ebc:
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. . . and its butt-ugly pliable plastic precursor.
Sheet Metal Tool Array and notches made with the yellow handled mitering "notcher" seen at top right.
Internal Bag Retainer "Ring"
Notches made with Left & Right Snips
The gaping maw of the WasteMac5260 RoadApple hack . . .
. . . at least this one isn't "over the top" . . . for a change . . . more like lower than low! =8-}
Actually, it was an attempt to keep the external plastics in good condition . . . so of course I had to go and do a Ryoba makeover of the front bezel the next day . . .
jt :ebc:
Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired:
Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)
p.s. sorry about the crappy piccies, gotta figure out what went wrong with the camera/flash. Anybody know how to do color corrections in PhotoShop? Here's a link to some more images from the roll/CD. These were cropped, but not color corrected. The first piccie of the two wastebaskets was fine, it was the last shot of the roll. The first shot was good too, it was an "artsy" nighttime shot of some tree branches, IIRC, coulda been a first shot "film waster" too.
I think either the flash's connection to the camera was loose, the sync was off or maybe the level of ambient fluorescent illumination overrode the flash my Olympus XA added to bring the shots up to a full exposure.
p.p.s. I'll make an album of the shots above with more of a sheet metal hacking howto and edit my "initial" post to my hearts content!
p.p.p.s. T.O. you've just GOTTA fix that %$#%$%^%$%$# clicked link-defaults-to-opening-in-the-same-window-bug, it makes posting here ONEROUS!
I think someone should make links open in new windows instead of having to use the back button each time, and having to wait for the page to load very slowly again...
yup ... that should be done ...
anyway ... nice hack JT
. . . editability. :?
OK, I can edit this one, but I don't seem top be able to edit that first comment I made after after my initial bump-post. :? . . . . whassup? . . . . WTF?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!! :o . . . is there a ∂•¶¶ª∑3¶ ∑•†#3® ƒµ¢√|¬∂ time based edit lockout here now like over in MacAch?
If so, THAT is just absoƒµ¢√|¬∂lutely intolerable and I'M OUTTA HERE!
jt >8-|
p.s. sorry for the swearing, it's always been a joke when you see it in any of my posts, but this time I'm DEAD SERIOUS! NGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I have to agree with you, JT.
The new forum really bites the big one. I could go on in depth, but I don't want to get flamed out of existence. It seems that any time people post any sort of criticism of the new forum, the standard reply is "well too f'ing bad - you should have pitched in with the development."
Well guess what, folks - with an attitude like that, you won't have many posters here for long. And the forum REALLY could use some improvements.
Not being able to edit first posts is just plain stupid. I know you guys are proud of your work (and the progress in a home-brew forum is good so far), but more work is needed before this is ready for prime-time. And, frankly, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Maybe I'm missing something, but what was wrong with the forum that it required a complete custom re-write? Heck, any of those various free PHP based fora out there is better than this one.
The main problem I see here is that the forum layout is the same as what is used for article submission. But fora aren't articles, and the same method (an uneditable top post to which people reply with "comments") isn't a good metaphor for a forum. That's why NOBODY else does things this way (except maybe slashdot, but that's not a good example anyway).
Read the 5300 FAQ: http://www.alksoft.com/5300_FAQ/
Photoshop tried, and this is about as good as it gets...
nupic 1
nupic 2
There's still some funky colour in the pix, but it was either that or start to lose detail in the lighter areas. If I were getting paid for correcting these, I'd be fired.
They're only a slight improvement.
man, do you think the fritter server could fit in there?
you cant edit your posts after they have been replied to ... and you cant edit initial posts ever
. . . what's wrong with this picture: if I were be so stupid as to post a comment to eeun's generous attempt to be helpful, just to tell him the links he posted to the retouching he did were borked . . . HE COULDN"T FREAKIN' FIX'EM? ?
As I see it right now, that is just plain D*U*M*B! Please tell me you have a much better reason for this bass-ackward np-editing setup than the half dozen occasions in the two years I've been hanging around on 'fritter that petulant pre-pubescent posters have "disappeared" the drivel that got them into deep doodoo.
IMHO, that is "just a little bit" heavy handed. ::)
BTW, that rolleyes 'con is STILL borked and I could really make use of it right about now! >:(
. . . jeepers the "mad' 'con is STILL bug-tridden too . . . imagine that?
jt :ebc:
Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired:
Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)