Only the PCI G4 uses a ZIF, it is the same pinout as the g3 beige an blue
and white.
Has anyone seen documentation for the ZIF card pinout or on the processor slotslot/Zif Carrier pinout? I snagged a ZIF proc off eBay on a lark and it has the 'ol wheels a' turnin in my noggin!
jt :ebc:
I have. It's actually a standard published by Motorola. I have no idea where you'd find it these days though, but it was at least at one time, publicly available.
. . . there appears to be a standardized BGA->PGA adapter pinout mentioned in prototyping adapter descriptions I've seen, I wonder if it's as simple as that?
Actually I believe its on IBM's site, since IBM owns the rights to the 750 series processors.
Oh, and a Yikes G4 *IS* a B&W G3, just with a G4 and a newer firmware to allow the use of single processor G4's.
. . .
I was able to find:
Advance Information
Processor and Cache Module
Hardware Specifications
. . . now it's time to print it out and read the sucker.
jt ::)