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[quote=tokabln]So my idea is, to readout the received PROMs from the CCS 7720 card, hopefully understanding what they did to be able to have something available which can be used (after some changes ?) to supports the APU card. Have fun...[/quote]
The code from the Centronics card is a printer driver. There is nothing to be cloned for the APU card because the printer card is a standard driver with a Pascal 1.0 or Pascal 1.1 firmware interface. The APU card is a non-standard card with non-standard code.
@RalfK: Yes... nevertheless I do believe that we can learn something from this code.
So beside what I’ve read out of the PROM including a disassembly file... while I’m not able to comment so far, because of missing knowledge. That’s something I need to learn. But maybe someone is able to explain what they have done with this code... even that it is the printer driver.
CCS 7720 PROM Content.ROM_.txt
CCS 7720 PROM Disassembly.asm_.txt
Next step will be to see which PROM has which content... as the above stuff is 256x8 Bit size while the PROMs having a 256x4 Bit size
CCS 7720 PROM Code Content Odd.txt
CCS 7720 PROM Code Content Even.txt
Maybe this will help identify each PROM ... a little ... :-D
Dear macnoyd,
I do believe that there is something confused with your files... when talking about 8 Bit width PROMs your sent file is okay... but we have 4 Bit width PROMs, right? So we can't split the taken file easily into even and odd values. That's the reason while I mentioned that I need to find a way to read a four bit value from each PROM, to have an exact copy of their content. Right now we know what BOTH PROMs deliver when reading a specific address.
So to say, an actuall readout of a 16 Bit value is indeed the result of a 4x4 bit readout. Or 8 bit are the summary of 2x4 bits stored in the 2 PROMs. Does this make sense or am I wrong?
Update #1:
I too made a mistake as I used the wrong start address when reading the PROM content :-(
- thanks to Ralfk for catching this. I will upload updated files soon.
Update #2:
Beside the new files... hopefully correct now. Printer card resides in slot 1
Taken using "BSAVE Filename,A$C100,L$FF
Taken using my Basic Program, start adress 49408dec. -> $C100
CCS 7720 PROMHEX.txt
Update #3:
Beside my thoughts about how to handle:
$2C = 8bit width = b0010 1100each PROM helds 4 bit = 1 nibbleso we need to split the 8bit value into
HEX : $2Cdecimal : 44binary : 0010 1100odd bits : 0 0 1 0= decimal : 2even : 0 1 1 0= decimal : 6
It would be simple to write something like a small Perl script to split the nybles of data apart to make images for the two 256x4 PROMs.
Well I've written a Basic program, which reads the PROM content and store it onto a disk.
So the same prog can be changed to do the splitting. So this part is done. Thanks. Remaining problem might be, to write new proms, so I need to check if my old Dataman S4 is able to handle. Otherwise a GAL can be used, but here I do need to design a PCB which then plugs into both PROM sockets. Let's see.
Remaining problem might be, to write new proms, so I need to check if my old Dataman S4 is able to handle.
Write a program which runs once after power on and fill the RAMs.
I still cannot get the APU to work, even with a new Intel FPU.
I will try to get another DP8304 as all the TTL ICs tested good.
No Need to be sorry. I don‘t even know if that is the Problem. :-)
[quote=tokabln]Hi Jonas, I'm sorry to read this... I purchased a couple of DP8304 from this guy in Bulgaria, but haven't tested them yet. If you like I can try to test them and after that I can send you one chip. Torsten[/quote]
Jonas, I have a couple successfully working cards here.
If you'd like, I can sort out the issue with yours to save you the hassle if you'd like. Let me know on that.
Jonas, I have a couple successfully working cards here.
If you'd like, I can sort out the issue with yours to save you the hassle if you'd like. Let me know on that.
I like the box you made up for it ... Nice touch. +1
good to hear and I too like the box you build... enjoy using the card.
The box is bought from amazon and is quite nice. It is available as a double set with 2 sizes (i used the smaller one). The bigger box is big enough for a 5.25" floppy disk. Here is a example of the bigger box with artwork i made.
The boxes on amazon:
I received an Apple ][ many years ago from my dad, with a uSPEED Math Co-Processor, with AMD AM9511A.
I used the 7811B CCS Manual to test that it worked.. Apple II APU 7781B Owners Manual.PDF
Hi Torsten,
Do you still have Apple II AM9511 FPU circuit boards ? I'm also interested in the schematics.
Best regards,
Hello Uwe,
everything about the APU card can be found within this thread. I never build a schematic for the Apple card, because I cloned the card layout only.
I build cards for ZX81 and ZX Spectrum as well, while here I draw some schematics.
Anyhow... the original schematic can be found at the user manual:
If I still have a raw pcb needs to be checked. Can take some time.
Hello Uwe, just checked and I do have a spare raw board...
costs are 5 Euro/raw pcb plus shipping. I do have no additional spare parts, like APU and ICs and other components, left.
Board serial number TK0018 - ENIG quality. If you are still interested, just sent me a PM including you shipping address.
Have a nice day.
Hi Torsten,
i have built up the card and installed it in an Apple iigs (slow speed).The test with the output of the number Pi still worked.I had problems at the beginning with the test program 2 (add 2 numbers). The computer stopped completely after that. With the oscilloscope I measured the card in this state. The pause signal at pin 17 always stayed low. Only when I exchanged the ICs U2 against a 74HCT00 and U3 74AC74 it worked. The cause I have not yet understood exactly. My TL866CS had tested the ICs 74LS00 and 74LS74 and found no error.Afterwards I booted DOS 3.3 and then loaded CCSOFT4. I can test this with a PRINT SQR(2). Applesoft integrated floating point routine calculates 1.41421356 and CCSOFT calculates 1.41421354.I have not yet succeeded in loading or save programs wit CCSOFT from disk.CAT or CATALOG reports ?SYNTAX ERROR and on a LOAD the computer hangs.Maybe someone can help with this ?
I have written a small test program for the processor.Could someone test it ?
Source code and disk image
mbs140.po --> 5.25" floppy image
mbs800.po --> 3.5" floppy image
MBSLR.BIN --> for Apple II / II+ / IIe
MBSLRC02.BIN --> for enhanced IIe (65C02 CPU) or IIGS
MBSLRFPUC02.BIN --> For enhanced IIe (with 65C02 CPU) or IIGS with AM9511 FPU card at slot 4.
MBSLR816.BIN --> for Apple IIGS
Is it possible anybody post here a disk image of the original floppy going with the board ?
Has anybody got success to use this board from CPM running into a Apple IIe + Z80 Softcard ?
I try to transcript the simple 'pi' test from the user manual into CPM 2.23 GBasic "Poke" and "Peek" (taking in account the addresses translation the Softcard does) and get no reply from the FPU board.
The same program into 6502 mode + Applesoft Basic run well.
Thanks and regards.Philippe
No one has yet seen the original floppy to this board and we've been looking for it for some time now. (years)
I'm sure someone will post it if it ever materializes.
I'm pretty sure the CPM board uses different addressing from the examples you've seen using Applesoft or Integer basic.
I know there is address translations between 6502 mode and Z80 mode.
In 6502 mode the board works well but not in CPM mode even taking that in account.
I believe it is because the FPU board use the bus RDY signal to halt the 6502 processor and that the Softcard do the same thing...
I recently acquired a CCS 7811 which included the original disk. Here's an ADTpro image file of that disk. Enjoy.
This seems to be software for "7811D", which works on DOS 3.3 with Applesoft BASIC in the language card, and the 7811 in any slot. It works a little differently than the instructions for "7811B" which is apparently meant for DOS 3.2 on a machine with Integer BASIC only, and requires creating a customized boot disk with Applesoft patched for the specific slot the 7811 is installed in (unsure if this version worked with the language card at all; the instructions suggest it doesn't but I don't have this version of the software and so couldn't say). The hardware is the same in all cases (though the "7811C" apparently came with ROMs containing patched Applesoft; my understanding is that these replaced the Applesoft ROMs on the motherboard).
Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.
Thank you for sharing!!