Applesauce FD controller

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Applesauce FD controller

I was trying to get some information on buying an Applesauce FD controller.  I've had no luck in this endeavor and  I thought maybe someone on this forum could shed some light on it.  The project was definitely active as of a couple months ago.


Basically if you go to the main web site it talks about the project being active with a new software release as of September 6.  There is also a teardown and review video.  But there is no where on their web site to place an order.  There is a search feature on their web site, and I tried searching for "order", and the search results had a pre-order web page with a form.  However, on this hidden pre-order form, there is a required field for "Order Code from the email you received from us".  Obviously, I have no such "order code" since when I attempt to email them, I never receive a response.


Applesauce also has a facebook page at  Here they talk about taking pre-orders as of June 6 by emailing  I tried sending an email to place a pre-order, but received no response.


You can also go to the wiki that ReactiveMicro hosts at  Here it talks about ReactiveMicro being an authorized Applesauce service provider, where they offer to ship refurbished Apple II drives with the Applesauce controller.  However, I emailed Henry and he replied saying that they don't sell Applesauce.


So I guess the project is dead?  Or it's an impenetrable secret society?  Can anyone confirm?

Last seen: 5 hours 55 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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I beleive they've already

I beleive they've already shipped one run and are about to another. I understand he's been swamped with email about it. You should be able to contact him at

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Posts: 39
Wayne wrote:I beleive they've


I beleive they've already shipped one run and are about to another. I understand he's been swamped with email about it. You should be able to contact him at


Yes thanks, I did contact him from that page, but no one responds.

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Posts: 39
For anyone who finds this

For anyone who finds this thread and is looking for an Applesauce FD controller, according to the website, there is a 2nd run of Applesauce controllers being made (as of November 10 2018 announcement).  This is good news.  However, I tried again to email them and get on the wait list, but no one responds.  So, I'm not sure if I'm on the wait list and they just don't have time to reply, or if demand exceeds supply and they are only accepting reservations from known individuals and therefore I'm being ignored.  Hard to say.  Kind of unfortunate that you can't get a reply, because it looks like a great project.... but meh what can ya do....

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You might try on the Apple II

You might try on the Apple II Enthusiasts Facebook group.  A few of the people involved in the Applesauce project are fairly active over there.


Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
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Sorry if you sent an email to me in the last couple months and I didn't respond. Just found out that my Applesauce email addresses didn't survive my server migration back in October. It is fixed now (as of 15 minutes ago), but there is quite a backlog for me to respond to.


The project is definitely not dead. I am currently waiting for PCBs from the manufacturer. They promise to have them to me by next week, but considering that they estimated 3-4 weeks and are currently at almost 10 weeks, I'm not taking any orders until units are in hand.


I don't tend to keep inventory around of Applesauce since it is just a hobby project for me. The first run of 100 units I thought would last a little while, but they sold out in about 16 hours. The new run is 250 units of which about 180 are currently reserved.


I try to keep the official website as up to date as possible, but most of my hobby time is spent working on the software.



macnoyd's picture
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Thanks for keeping us up to date.  You know this is a great project just by the response alone.

I look forward to getting a couple units myself.

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Posts: 39
FYI to everyone, I did

FYI to everyone, I did receive a response from the Applesauce site as the guy described above.  So, I am on the waiting list for one of the FD controllers.  Looks like a promising project, and look forward to getting a board!

Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 22 2015 - 12:32
Posts: 7
Just a quick message to let

Just a quick message to let folks know that Applesauce is available again. Order taking opened up last night.

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