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Some weeks ago I adquire an Apple II motherboard, but not sure if is a clone or original Apple... some months ago a somekind was seen at eBay standing that was a Rev.04 motherboard. But in my board 820-0014-01 (Rev.01) is written Under the 6502.
As it can be seen, serial numbers are the same.
I've attached some pictures for helping to identfy it.
I say this because the crystal oscillator is on the right side on your board, but in the original Apple II, it's on the lower left side.
I say this because the crystal oscillator is on the right side on your board, but in the original Apple II, it's on the lower left side.
I'm aware of that
And RAM C Row has 9 IC sockets...
Also No Apple Computer Inc. silkmark written...
It must be a clone. Everything about it is weird. Look at the traces!! Look at the molex connector at lower-left.
There are numerous things wrong with this board as relates to being an Apple Original. In addition to what has been mentioned, the 9 chip row of ram, connector by the character rom, lack of Apple Silk Screen, etc., if this was a rev 4 (or any earlier revision) there would RAM select blocks along the PSU side of the board, and there are none.
There was a discussion about that auction on the Facebook Apple II Enthusiasts group. The description in the auction is wrong, it is definitely a clone motherboard (based on the Rev 4 ][+ mobo) and absolutely not an original Apple II motherboard. I would hate to be the bearer of bad news but whoever bought it paid at least double what that board is really worth. I recently won an eBay auction for a complete working clone of similar era including a floppy drive, controller, 16k RAM card and a few other things for about the same $$$ including shipping. If I were the person who won the auction I would demand a refund given that they didn't get what the description claimed it was.
It is interesting that while your mobo is a clone, it does have a bunch of chips on it that appear to be genuine Apple supplied parts, mainly the ROMs, CHARGEN ROM, and one of the RAM chips (the one in the rear leftmost socket). Makes me wonder if someone had a mobo go bad back in the day and so they bought a clone mobo because it was cheaper and then transplanted some of their chips over. Hard to say. Anyway, I hope you didn't pay anywhere near what that auction was for, because even with some real Apple chips in it, I would still not pay even 1/2 that much. I have too many opportunities to get a complete genuine ][+ for less than that auction.
Well ,
I got those ROM and RAM ICs from a donor Apple II+ Motherboard... It came without RAM butwith Eproms.
The auction was this;
Holy cow that is a lot of $$$ for what it is. At least that auction was clearly stated as a clone, not mis-represented as original Apple like the other one. Of course "incredibly rare" is kinda laughable, but it is eBay of course, so a little puffery is expected. Perhaps there are not many exactly like that one, but similar clones are not all that uncommon. I bought one recently that is fairly similar but complete and including a floppy drive (off brand), floppy controller, 16k RAM card, etc., for around $200 including shipping. The motherboards all look fairly similar, but the power supply in mine is one of the black ones with cooling slots that looks like it came out of the same maker as the ones AE sold back in the day. It also uses the inline power connector instead of the 2x3 one. I may have mentioned some of that before. Anyway, there were slight variances between these clones, but the case plastic and base plate on this one look remarkably similar to the one I have. The mobo is pretty close although mine has some little prototyping areas around the edges if I remember right. That sort of thing was pretty common on these.
The board stuck me as odd since Apple's mask ROMs have different pinout from 2716 EPROMs, unless the board has been laied out specifically to accept Apple's masked ROMs (or there are some ugly mods under the board) otherwise it's probable the board originated from Apple.
If I remember right, I think that a 2716 socket can accept a mask programmed ROM, but not the other way around.
After a year I discovered what I have is the first authorized Aplpe II clone, ITT 2020
ITT 2020
Those ITT units are pretty rare in the US. They were made for the UK market and I think they do PAL video instead of NTSC. If I recall there is some oddity to some of the video modes in them compared to the US spec ][+ and the Apple branded Europlus.