Pocket PC meets Robosapien

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Last seen: 19 years 9 months ago
Joined: Feb 10 2004 - 21:41
Posts: 10
Pocket PC meets Robosapien

Admittedly, this isn't a Mac or Apple related hack, but I stumbled across it and thought it might interest a few people.

Title: Tom Servosapien, or How Team NimbRo Hacked/Modded Robosapien's Brain into a PPC


I do recall something about a powerbook and a robotic dohickey being discussed in AF version 1 way back when. It was to have a webcam on top and some sort of wheeled affair, to allow it to wander about. Maybe not as 'humanoid' as the above beastie, but it had potential nonetheless.

I wonder if the project ever continued... I can't find it with the search function on the current AF.

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This thing looks grotesque, b

This thing looks grotesque, but kind of cool.

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Didn't MacAddict do something

Didn't MacAddict do something like that with an iBook and a Kritter Cam? IIRC, they called it the iBorg.


Ikahoshi's picture
Last seen: 19 years 9 months ago
Joined: Feb 10 2004 - 21:41
Posts: 10

The iBorg? Never seen it. Maybe that is the beastie that I was thinking of but don't remember. Still, I do recall a posting from AF version 1 regarding a webcam, a powerbook and some wheels to make the thing roll about as a roving webcam.

I believe it was inspired by a concept product from the folks at iRobot... I can't find anything regarding it now though, so I might have just been hallucinating.

Interview with David Reynolds with comments regarding the iBorg:

The iBorg is still sitting by Ian's desk, and now that I have a garage, we're considering Rev. 3. To quote Monty Python: "It's not dead yet!"

And perhaps a lower-tech alternative?:

The Lemmy - the Low End Mac Excursion Module

Grotesque indeed ravuya. Very inelegant design. Still, interesting idea. Might be better to mount the pocket PC on the back of the creature, and have the webcam put into a headlike case, or tennis ball. Might protect it (the webcam) a little in case it took a header.

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