Clone ROM cards

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Clone ROM cards
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I had a few clone motherboards that were missing their ROM cards so I had some made.

The cards are for the type of common clone that has 64K and a z80 on the mainboard. The minimum order to get boards made was 10 so I have a few more than I needed.

Bare boards US$4 plus $3.50 postage, if anyone needs one, PM me.for my Paypal details.

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These would be great for

These would be great for people who've either lost the originals cards or would like a 2nd card to use with different ROM images. The ROM card a lot of people with a ][+ (or an original ][ I suppose) would probably like would be a work-alike of the Apple INTBASIC/Applesoft ROM card, except pre-set up for EPROMs (the originals require an adapter socket) and with the switch already on a piggy tail so it can be used in any slot. It could probably be made with fewer chips in a modern version too using higher density EPROMs and maybe a GAL instead of the 74LS chips used on the originals.

Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
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Posts: 139
I use one of the cards fitted

I use one of the cards fitted with a dead boot ROM I wrote. it will boot in a machine with faulty RAM and give an indication a RAM failure both by writing to the screen and beeps via the speaker for when RAM is so bad nothing is readable. Sadly I lost the source code for the ROM but one day I will recreate it.

I do have plans to create a ROM card that will work in any Apple2 slot. It will be designed to have Applesoft, Integer and also a selection of F8 ROM options selectable via dip switches. The design is done in my head, i just need to get motivated and lay out a board in KiCAD.

I also need to decide on the type of switch to enable the card, the type Apple used on their ROM card is hard to come by these days.

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Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2652
That sounds like a very nice

That sounds like a very nice card to have.

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Diag ROMs

Maybe you can take a look here.
I've collected many ROMs from various sources. These ones are designed for the //e.

Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: Aug 4 2018 - 21:59
Posts: 139
amauget wrote:Hi,

Maybe you can take a look here.
I've collected many ROMs from various sources. These ones are designed for the //e.

Yes, The ROM you call "blind" is the one I wrote.
In fact it all looks like it was taken from my posts in the VCF forums.
I've since discovered that the z80 clone ROM will only boot sometimes with a faulty RAM, my initial tests that led me to believe it was better than it was were a fluke.

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