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I recently acquired a lot of Apple II expansion cards (along with a II+, IIe, and Mac Portable). I've attempted to identify what each of these card are, but I appreciate any community help with the orange (unknown) items. The previous/original owner was a tinkerer, so some of the cards are modified or homebrew clones.
H is an Aparrat EPROM programmer
K is a 16k card, often called a language card for a II or II Plus
R is an 80 column card
E is a 64K expansion copied card for the Apple IIe series
J is a copy of an EPROM Programmer card, but the chipset it burns is anybody's guess.
N is a multi-function serial parallel printer interface card for a Franklin computer.
Guess for Q: Data acquisition card
Guess for Q: Parallel printer card. Can you show us the back of the card?
I agree with all other hints
H: EPROM burner similiar to the AP64e (Taiwan), but not identical
I: universal GPIO card, timers are also available in the 6522s, the socket with the weird stuff is normally empty to connect your GPIOs
Q: Is there a photo of the connector? Centronics printer interface may be right
S: A/D-Converter, 16 channels, 8bit, you can also use a ADC0816 which is a bit more accurate
Some months ago I found my old board (a clone from Taiwan):
and I added the components:
Regards, Ralf
Dear Ralf,
have you made a picture of the bottom side as well (probably prior soldering all components) ?
If yes I'm highly interested in getting them and perhaps a BOM (component list) to be used.
Many thanks