Advice requested for repairing disk image on CFFA3000

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skipper1947's picture
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Advice requested for repairing disk image on CFFA3000

The disk image that my BBS runs on (Dura Europos) has developed errors. I fear they may be the result of adding the Fast Chip IIe and upgrading to GBBS Pro v2.14, though I hope that is just a coincidence.

I ran Mr Fixit, but it doesn't touch the errors. I want to replace the .po disk image with a clean one, but so far I have failed.

Here is what I tried:
Copied the .po file to my windows machine and extracted the image with CiderPress, omitting the bad stuff. I then created a new .po image of the same size and name as the original, using CiderPress. I then imported all the files, and had what looked like a nice clean image. I mounted it in AppleWin and everything looked perfect. However, when I copied it to the CFFA3000 flash card, the Apple IIe crashed to the monitor when I turned it on.

Can somebody tell me what I did wrong, or didn't do. It seems to me the above approach should work?

I then tried creating a new blank using the CFFA3000 utilities, thinking it must do something special with the image. I then formatted it using Copy II Plus as a ProDos volume. However, it had only 1/2 the number of blocks as the original 32 meg image (so it could not hold all the files).

Does anybody know what step I omitted or did wrong with this?

Thank you for reading my plea. Smile

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Re: Advice requested for repairing disk image on CFFA3000

I mounted it in AppleWin and everything looked perfect. However, when I copied it to the CFFA3000 flash card, the Apple IIe crashed to the monitor when I turned it on.

When you had the image on your CFFA3000, did you try to CATALOG it when booted from another ProDOS disk? It could be that the boot blocks are invalid, causing the crash.

skipper1947's picture
Last seen: 10 months 15 hours ago
Joined: Jan 12 2016 - 20:54
Posts: 95
Re: Advice requested for repairing disk image on CFFA3000

I have it configured to boot from the thumb drive. Without the suspect .po file on the CF card, the CFFA3000 crashes as soon as power is applied. If I physically remove the CF card, then it would boot OK from the thumb drive. When I put the suspect .po file back on the CFFA3000, it boots OK and I can do a CATALOG etc. on it.

Actually, I found a workaround: I just leave the suspect .po file on the CF card and renamed the volume on it to /DUMMY. I then added a second cleaned .po file and attached it to s7,d2 and ignore the /DUMMY volume in s7,d1. I don't know if I have to actually have to have the suspect .po file in s7,d1 or just have to leave it on the CF card.

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