My hacks so far.....

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Last seen: 18 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: May 28 2004 - 18:19
Posts: 82
My hacks so far.....

I have been meaning to post this for along time, but an AMAZING list of things happened(including both serial ports failing on my 5400, then the PSU in my 9500 dieing). ok so its bassically the few things i have done so far, some of them i donthave pictures of because they broke or where sold/given away. links to pics in next post(to be editable, so i can fix them if i mess them up... which i will)

Kurenai's picture
Last seen: 18 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: May 28 2004 - 18:19
Posts: 82
Editable pic links!

The "furi-kuri" powerbook 1400, this was the second mod i ever did, the keyboard comming after this being the first, it was orginally done in acrylic paint(which was stupid) but then was scraped off, and repainted with krylon(in the process of this, i almost lost a finger)

Pic 1:

Pic 2:

Pic 3:

The lego keyboard. i remember a mod like this from AF1 to go with that lego mac SE(or maybe it was for that lego wallmount powerbook?) i saw it, realising that they had just put lego's OVER the original platic shell, and decided to design and build one COMPLEATLY out of lego's(besides the keys of course) myself. it turned out pretty good, although the mouse is still in its original case(but the button is lego'd)

Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:

The keys are all hand-painted one at a time. and are slightly translucent. it originally looked even better than this but someone i was letting use my computer spilled a drink into the orginal innards. it was glued together so it had to be torn apart. and sorry about the "wonderful high quality" of the pics(and blurriness), they were all taken with a quicktake 100!..... which is my only digital camera Blush

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
Great work . . .

. . . on your the hacks AND getting halfway decent shots with that QuickTake 100.

jt Wink

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