Volunteers are needed to upload files to the Software Library. Emphasis is on drivers and hard-to-find shareware.
Drupals's taxonomy structure allows us to specify file type, platform, and year, so once this is up and running, you'll be able, for example, to search for "all Macintosh utility software from the late 80's".
See the Apple I Software Library for where we're at now.
Some software may be copy right protected. Are there any specific rules or restrictions on what one may upload?
No commercial software.
Does that mean no System 1.0? ::)
Drivers tend to be commercial software. Are we looking at hard-and-fast rules on the free-to-distribute stuff, or would old drivers for old hardware even if they were never "released" on the 'net be fine? 'Cause that is the problem with getting alot of old drivers, as alot of folks (FOR GOOD REASON) don't want commercial/copyrighted stuff on their archives.
Drivers which were not commercially sold but were included with hardware, are ok.
If some company sold a commercial driver, for example, and made their money selling that driver, then it shouldn't be included. If some company sold a device and included their own drivers with it, and those drivers have no commercial value on their own, those you may post.
So, if one had to purchase newer drivers for a piece of hardware, that's a no-go. That means that stuff like http://www.ioxperts.com/ products are definatly off-limits. I'm also guessing that firmware upgrades and such are desired?
That's correct. If the maker has a commercial interest in the drivers apart from the hardware, that's off limits.
You may want to put a disclaimer up advising folks that any software found to be in violation of said copyright laws will be removed at the owners request. Some things may be abandon-ware and okay.
well, isnt most stuff from the mid 80s?
I can donate to the drivers, as I have access to a whole bunch of old drivers. I will look through what is available and compile a short list of what I have.
Thanks Remiel! No need to make a list. Go ahead and upload one of the drivers. I'll take a look at it, and if everything looks right, then you can upload the rest at your leisure.
I did my first upload. It's for the EtherLink/SE 2.0 and EtherLink/SE 1.2 software for 3Com's EtherLink/SE network adapter (3C563).
Let me know if all works ok. I stuffed and binhexed it, so that it should survive going anywhere.
The stuffing/binhexing looks good. I wasn't able to mount the disk image on my Mac OS X Powerbook, but perhaps I shouldn't be able to. Is that the original disk image? What format is it?
It's a Disk Copy 6.3 Image. You have to drag it over DiskCopy as it's not associated with it.
This was made from an original, but not by myself. I have access to a repository of old drivers. I scan each archive too for virii.
Disk Copy in Classic on my Mac OS X can't open it (error -54), but it mounts without any problem at all on a Mac OS 9 system, so I'd we're good to go.
Disk Copy 6.3 is fine. Disk Copy 4 might be preferable. I believe version 4 cannot open version 6 images, but version 6 can open them all. This is something to take into consideration, since many of these drivers are for older systems.
I'm converting all images to Disk Copy 4.x, and getting them all ready. There is some really cool software here.
Sounds great. I've been uploading old shareware games this evening. I downloaded Stuffit Lite 3.6 so I can make Stuffit 1.5.1 archives. I'm doubtful this is really necessary, but it seems like a safe bet, especially for the really old stuff. I'm also binhexing everything, like you are.
I've been uploading more files. Is there a way I can check on the list of files from time to time so I can be sure I didn't double-post?
I'm unsure how Drupal handles duplicate files if I messed up.
Drupal will allow duplicates. I've approved all the files you've uploaded, so you can seem them on the Drivers page. (More advanced indices to come.)
In "File Version", just give the number. You don't need to write out "Version" since a "v" is automatically prefixed.