New Powerups, eh?

There are some things I am going to NEED a guide to figure out. HE Balloons? IT? The physics of Swerveball?

These things USED to be so simple...

Hehe Smile This time we did include descriptions in the manual Smile

The Extreme Powers seem to have been causing the most confusion however, especially Maya's key swapping Scramble Extreme power Wink

Funny... the Extreme powers never caused me much confusion. Although it took me some time to realize the full extent of the havoc you can wreck with Damage Extreme and a few Megaballs. Unblockable shots? That's just pure evil. I like it.

Nod. It took me a while to figure out scrambled bat meant controlls and not "the bat stays in the same position it was in when the power went off" like i inferred by my bat not moving (caught in another "nervously awaiting the next ball") and the ai's (what i thought) "stuck going right". Figuring out it actually swapped keys has stopped me from "taking out Maya at all costs first". Smile On that note, all of the new powerups and extreme powers are awesome. With all the crazy game types, including 8 players (!), this is just what a sequel should be. (And ya, I giggle maniacally everytime I set off damage extreme.)

I find Mayas power a little weak when you figure out what it does.
"Oh. Mayas power was used. I'll use up & down now." The only confusing moments were the beggining and the end. If Mayas power made the controls goofy RANDOMLY, then it would be more effective. Things like Up=Left and Left=Right would be a lot more confusing than it is. It just isn't get as powerful as Damage extreme. That things nuts.

Maya's power is about timing, especially when you're playing multi-player on one Mac. Just as you can see another player about to activate their Extreme Power at a critical moment, trigger Maya's Extreme Power and watch as they fluff it Smile

Yeah, that's one of the cool things you can do with maya's extreme power. That and a player who lost all his balloons and is trying to fend of a burster and then you scramble his keys. Acute
But that almost never happens. Usually takes me a second to recover from maya's power and use the other keys so it's not that good I think. It's a useless but utterly irritating power.

I think that next to Maya, Veng has the worst extreme power. If you're in a corner and you activate your extreme power (thank you maya!) most of the bursters come bouncing right back to you. And the balls don't stay long enough to do any real damage to the other players. Too bad Veng isn't immune to his own busters...

Well what about this then? Instead of Maya scrambling the controls to the default scramble, what about a new random scramble every 5 seconds until the power wears off? (Talk about evil!)

That would be a definite improvement. Smile

That might be TOO evil...
I think just a random control set for the whole time would be good enough. You'd have to figure out what does what before you could do anything.
Vengs power is a little damaging to himself. His bursters shouldn't damage his balloons when its used.
Laser extreme is probably one of the strongest ones. It should just activate for a split second, that way it couldn't destroy every balloon on the field if their moving fast enough.
Damage extreme is strong too, especially if a megaball is used. Do his bursters do double damage to him as well? Cause they should.
This is kind of off topic but... what is the gender of everyone in the game? I can't figure it out sometimes...

BCM, Flux, Moon, Inku and Veng are male, while Maya, Jera and Pook are female. The two MM robots of course are robotic Wink

Isn't Moon also some sort of robot ? He does have batteries...

Moon's a metalic lifeform from Europa (life on Europa developed along metal/silicone lines underneath the frozen oceans), whereas the MMMC robots were created in factories Wink

Some of these powerups... what exactly ARE they?

As in, what is the name of that thing that gives you Stealth? Or IT? And Warp?

No-one knows, they're all alien technology, brought into the Airburst Federation along with the planet Sedna by Veng and his people :?

^^^ You gotta love a coder that stays in character. Smile

you should see me when I get into character....


Dot Dot Dot

So that's supposed to be you?

Ah, gotta love Joy of Tech.

Lol! That's awesome! Immortalized forever! Smile