A few weeks back in the "THIS is Laughable!" thread, georgel brought our attention to:
I went to the fist one on that list and offered them $12 for two. They arrived about a week ago and I installed them and tested them today.
They work perfectly. Nice cheap No Slot Clocks 100% compatible with ProDos.
Did anyone else give them a try?
I am one of the guys who got caught up paying more than I should have. I was confused with the different models of this chip and I could not figure out those subtle differences.
In any case, the one who sold me this gave me a "driver CD" and the first time I attempted to install it, it failed, but not the second time.
The advantage of the no slot clock in my opinion is the compatibility, as it works well with Proterm and Catalyst.
The disadvantage is that it has a non-replaceable battery.
I also have a Practical Peripherals Proclock and the thing works, but I don't like the compatibility with Proterm and Catalyst.
The only other clock that I do not have experience with is the one that comes with the Apple iigs.
sorry for the newb question, but what exactly can you do with this no slot clock on the iic? application? for that cheap price i may buy one for my unit.
A No-Slot Clock has a clock and calendar function (with battery) in a pass-through DIP package. The software allows you to modify Pro-DOS8 (and actually there's software for IBM DOS too) so that all of your data saving onto a memory medium (floppy disk, harddrive, CF card) are time-date stamped. Additionally you can access either the IC chips or the recorded ProDOS8s time/date information with software that you write. I have used these with Apple IIe's, //c's, and //c+'s.
Mutant Pie
A clock on your computer is cool. You get to see the time directly on your screen depending on which program you use.
UltimateApple2/ReactiveMicro will soon offer a NSC with a replaceable coin cell battery that has a lower profile than the original NSC.
sfahey, How do you know this?
Like Bo Knows Football...
Sean knows ReactiveMicro.
And Carlos knows now that Sean knows ReactiveMicro Like Bo Knows Football, and that he also asked Sean why he knows that ReactiveMicro will soon offer a NSC with a replaceable coin cell battery that has a lower profile than the original NSC, not how well Sean knows ReactiveMicro.
And why am I talking about myself in the third person?
It's a Secret.. Now we have to Kill-You...
You want a REAL SECRET? DS1216E is ...
I know because I am A2Central.
BTW if anyone needs any of the No Slot Clock manuals (from two different companies), I made clean PDF's of them, you can PM me and will email them to you. If anyone needs the No Slot Clock ProDOS 8 driver & utility software, PM me and I'll send you a floppy for $3, postage included within the USA.
yes... Yes.... YES......
I will add my thanks as well. I ordered up one of these a few minutes ago.
I have located a complete Apple IIc with printer and monitor, all the fix-ins so to speak. I pick it up in Santa Barbara this Saturday 8/8/15. The IIc was my first computer. So, now I'm going back to my AppleSoft Basic(s) roots. My wife thinks I'm crazy. While she may be right ... I'm looking forward to dabbling again. Anyone have suggestions as to acquiring any of the old magazines, digital or real that illustrated sample programing? - Thank you for your time, and your thoughts. - Gary
Hi, does anyone have fitting instructions for one of these please? Ive ordered one and its arrived... no idea how to fit or patch prodos/set the time
thanks in advance!
These are 28 pin sockets. Is there a converter or hack to use them in a II+ motherboard?
I looked at the pictures on ebay...the date code seems to be 9440D3.
If that means the 40th week of 1994 then the built in lithium
battery has out-lived its 10 year life.
Does anyone have further info?
This is the date code of the chip only, while they could have used it many years later when assembling the whole module...Anyway there must be a way to replace the battery and/or connect an external one. I haven't bought such module for experiments yet since I don't see real need in using RTC with //e's. Theoretically it can be connected to apple ][(+) with proper adapter board. I've never owned original Apple ][, I have only clones that unlike Apples do have EPROM address and data buses in regular order...
Documentation is here:
No Slot Clock Documentation
and some utility disks are here:
No Slot Clock Disk Images
But which goes with that particular clock I do not know. Investigate and let us know
I don't like this reseller and I avoid every listing that he lists (luckily his photos are easily distinguishable and thus his listings ignorable) but here he goes... http://www.ebay.com/itm/No-Slot-Clock-for-Apple-IIe-IIc-BRAND-NEW-Adds-Time-Date-Functions-/151790568060
You know that's DrKen, right?
Thank you, will do!
In life you get what you pay for. All I can say is that my NCS is ultra low profile and you can actually change the battery (as Sean mentioned) unlike the throw-a-ways that you get on ebay..that you will need to repurchase and repurchase and repurchase with old semi-dead batteries which cant be changed out.
Even though its sold at www.ultimateapple2.com, its our Ultimate-Micro branded product....and will bear our UM logo
By both Anthony and Henry.
Come check out the 2store for this and other exciting products that we make and sell.
Why did you do this to me?