Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

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6502enhanced's picture
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Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

I've set up an real old school dial-up BBS on an Apple IIe:

Software: Networks II from 1981 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Networks_II )
Modem: Hayes Micromodem II from 1979
Computer: Apple IIe from 1983

The System is running very good and I can log on from other Apple II with a Hayes Micromodem II. The Bulletins, Email and Downloads are working very good.

Before I start running it I would like to ask all of you who are experienced with running a BBS on a Apple II:

- how do you handle the permanent running of the Apple II?
- will it become too hot?
- what problems do I have to focus?

Thanks for any help!

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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

When I ran one back in the day, everybody had to have a System Saver running in the system or you would risk overheating your computer after the system is running for 15 minutes.

Another issue I recall is that depending on your modem and cable, the BBS software might not detect whether or not the caller hangs up.

The BBS would still run until the SysOp restarts the computer.

You would also have to find a way to turn call waiting off or that signal will come through and callers will be disconnected.

There is a code to do this but I do not remember what it is nor do I remember how to turn off call waiting.

The last thing I remember is that you should remove all the bugs in the BBS or it might hang.

That's all I recall.

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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

Thanks for your help!

O.K. I have to get a system saver.

Networks II detects if a caller hangs up - that's no problem - after hanging up it goes straight into answer mode. I use the Hayes Micromodem II. It is the only modem Networks II works with - a really very old software Smile .

Networks II is really one of the first BBS software that was avalible for the Apple II (see the link above) - so there can only call one person at any time. The second caller would just get the busy signal.

The question with the bugs is really interesting. So far during my tests Networks II is running very robust. I got my Networks II version here: http://software.bbsdocumentary.com/APPLE/II/NETWORKS/ - don't know which version it is or how many bugs are still left. According to the discription at wikipedia I would suggest that it is one of the early versions, because it seems to have only one bulletin board.

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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

You might want to consider running Proline from Morgan Davis.

The other I recall was FutureVision/METAL.

These two were the last I can remember which used an Apple II.

FutureVision/METAL requires a iigs.

These work with newer modems and the software is much newer.

6502enhanced's picture
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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

Thanks for the software references. I tested also ProLine and GBBS - but I want to use Networks II because it is a real vintage end of 70's/ beginning of 80's feeling Smile . In combination with the Hayes Micromodem II it is really great to see this running. At first I started to build this BBS just to have my own dial-up BBS construction to call it from another one of my Apple II. But now I think it could be a great fun to make it open for everyone who would like to enjoy the real old school dial-up in the 70's feeling.

But as you said - next step will be to buy a good system saver to avoid overheating ...

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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

Have you checked out bbs.impakt.net port number 6502? Outside of the telnet connection he is running all vintage hardware. He has some gizmo that takes the telnet connection and calls an actual 9600 baud modem which connects to his Apple IIe.

You could also ask him about any heating issue. I actually have a small fan blowing air into the back of my Apple IIe, which may not be necessary except I am running a AE Transwarp card which generates a fair amount of heat. I also have a system saver on the side.

As for bugs, and detecting "carrier drop" I have not had any problem with either (GBBS Pro) Any bugs are put in by me; if it crashes it recycles in a few seconds (if my version of GBBS Pro had proper error trapping, this would not be an issue either).

Good luck with your system. Are you going to be strictly dial-up or will you be offering telnet also?

dura-bbs.net port number 6359

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

I hope you'll offer dial-in. I'd love to dial in with my Hayes Micromodem II. Smile

6502enhanced's picture
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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

Thanks for the replies!

There will be only dial-up.

I want to have it very old school - 300 Baud, Hayes Micromodem II, Networks II.

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

Well great, I'll look forward to that.

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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

is this BBS still up? I'm thinking of starting one on my apple //c if its possible? i've never ran a bbs on an apple, only pc computers on DOS

6502enhanced's picture
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Re: Dial-Up BBS on a Apple II

No, this one is not up, because there were not enough dial-up user ... but this one is up and running:

A 80's Apple II BBS!



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