Yet more improvements

I noticed some stuff when playing that dang balloon race mission...

1st-That laser=credit thing, but I think you said you fixed that in the patch.
2nd-Shred extreme never goes away. If it does, it lasts so long that they can use the power again once its over.
3rd-If the MMMC bots use shred, and deathmatch is activated, the razors go to the middle. When they die, the razors STAY in the middle, even when they use the power again! They should go away and STAY away.
4th-I think that if your own burster hits you, you should move backwards. You also should move back a lot if you die since right now, having no balloons is an ADVANTAGE. Likewise, you should move ahead more if you kill someone. To do the move back things, you would probably have to make the track smaller or else a game would last a while.
5th-Popping someones balloons with mines, razors, etc. shouldn't make the bird come to you. It should be the burster alone... unless you did this on purpose.

Okay, I am now incredibly cheesed off.
I WON. I WON the thing. Mayas head was at the end. I didn't go on. The game went on. Jirah used her power. She got to the end. She won. Now why in the world did this happen?

You need to PASS the final square to win. Sounds like you only GOT there and Jera stole the lead at the last moment.

Speaking of Jera's laser, howzbout...

Instead of a continuous beam that is always in line with Jera, she instead fires four bolts outwards? It'd be far less cheap...

Nope. I got on to the Checkerboard and I saw my burster hit an MMMC bot. Nothing. This happened with Jera once, she got stuck at the end, but I thought that once I got there I would lose... Gah, I probably would have WON! Still, this should be looked at...