Can anyone name some assemblers for the Apple II,II+,IIe and IIc.
I can only think of
Surely there were others.
Can anyone name some assemblers for the Apple II,II+,IIe and IIc.
I can only think of
Surely there were others.
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Mindcraft Assembler and MacroSoft
S-C Macro Assembler
( Cross Assembler, A new one to me is Bud Pass)
Edgar M. (Bud) Pass, Computer Systems Consultants, Inc.
Look in the asimov folder assembler
That was the first place I looked.
Mark 0
I am looking for an assembler with a disassembler included.
Does ORCA have one? Also I only thought that it
was available for the IIgs? I cant find details for the
earlier version.
That was ProDOS Orca/M.
I've always used the Apple ProDOS Toolkit assembler. It's EDASM.DSK in the Asimov assembler folder mentioned. I know because I uploaded it there like 10 years ago
Larry G
I have the Opus ][ Package which has the ORCA/M Assembler and Dissembler and Debugger.. They are all on 3.5" Images, so I assume that they are for the ][gs...
There was a DOS 3.3 and ProDOS 8 version of ORCA/M, IIRC with Dissembler.. I bought ORCA/M v4.1 for ProDOS 8 from Syndicomm a few years ago. I am still interested in getting the DOS 3.3 version.
I haven't played with the Bud Pass tools, ( Computer Systems Consultants, Inc. ) but Dave Philipsen who is hosting they really likes them.
These are not Apple ][ specific tools, and are hosted under MS-DOS..
Mark O
Syndicomm website is not operational. They say
that a new website is coming, but that message has
been since July 2016. I wonder when that will be.
I checked the Opus ][: The Software. This is mostly
for the IIGS. It states that it contains the lastest
versions of every Apple II program sold under the
Byteworks banner. There is a very small amount of
software that is for the Apple II.
Here is the listing.
II- 01 Crypto
II- 02 Byte Paint
II- 03 ORCA/M Assembler
II- 04 MON+ Debugger
II- 05 ORCA/M O/S Source
II- 06 Floating Point Libraries
II- 07 Voyager I
II- 08 Small C
They should really list the version number so
people can know what it is rather then you just know it.
Do you know what these programs are? Or version numbers?
Syndicomm web site has been up and down and up and down.. I am hoping that he will get it stable at some point...
I bought mine through the Juiced GS Web Site...
Not off hand, but I can Mount and Boot each of them and check...
01- Crypto.. ProDOS: No Version, files dated between 22-AUG and 25-AUG, 1984
02- Byte Paint ProDOS: No Version, files dated between 01-MAR-1985 and 24-JAN-1986
03- ORCA/M ProDOS: Version 4.1 ( I seem to get and Error when mounting this disk )
04- MONPlus ProDOS: Version 4.1
05- ORCA/M Src ProDOS: Version 4.1 ( I seem to get and Error when mounting this disk )
06- FP Libs ProDOS: Version 4.1???
07- Voyager I ProDOS: ( Demo Program )
08- SMALL-C ProDOS: Version 2.0 C-Compiler
Marko O
When you get an error message when mounting
the disk for ORCA/M and ORCA/M Src do
they still work and load?
I don't fancy buying this CD if it doesn't load.
I have looked in your Apple II vault
files under assembler and you have
the library for ORCA. Where is the
program disk for it?
Here is a list, some run on the Apple II ...
I bought the CD-ROM Image Downloads, both the Program and the Source, and Burnned them to a CD-ROM, then Copied them to my Windows Machine and Loaded them in Active GS and AppleWin..
There are multiple places that They could have been damaged after they got to me.... I will locate my original Zip File and see if it contains damaged Disk Images.
Well... Renaming the Disk Images, ( they are ALL 800K Images ), with the File Extension of .2mg, I can get ORCA/M to Boot and get directory Listings on ORCA/M SRC, using ActiveGS ( Kegs based ][gs Emulator )..
So they are ALL Good...
In my pocket. I don't distribute that one.
Thanks for posting the link.
Will have a look.
Mark O
And how about running on a real Apple ][?
Will it boot and run also?
I am sure it would, being that BITD, there were no emulators and this Software "only" ran on "real Apple ][s"..
I just "freed up", 10 800K Floppies... ( former PC-DOS formatted disks, now BackedUp with rawwrite...
I should be able to Setup one of my ][gs with the Uthernet II and ADTPro and a 3.5" Drive and make some Working Disks to test...
My Super Controller card seems to not be working, so I can't run the 3.5" on the ][e...
I wrote my own simple 65C02 mini cross assembler.
It can handle syntax of several of the popular vintage assemblers. It's written in Perl and runs on Linux and MacOSX and I would assume probably on Windows if you have something like Strawberry Perl installed. I don't know for sure about that because I don't have Windows to try it.
Oh... and just for reference if anyone else finds this old thread... Syndicomm is long out of business and it's owner/operator Tony Diaz has been deceased for a couple years. If you want to buy the ADPA/Byteworks, etc. stuff JuicedGS is I think the distributor of it now.
I won't go into the scandals around Sydicomm. I don't really know the whole story and you can google it if you want to know. Plus I don't believe in speaking ill about the dead. RIP Tony.
I recommend the S-C Assembler 2.0 which is now free,. Google it or Cider Press or Bob Sander-Cedarhof.