Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

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Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

This may or may not be the correct section because this is sort of a hack (adding some connectors) but it is mainly about a 68030 mac connector.

I would like to attach a VGA (as well as a sound) connector to the monitor via the card edge connector on the analog board. One problem, I can't fin the full pinout ANYWHERE.

Does anyone have a pinout for this connector? It is a 40 pin connector, so it's not that easy to trace (even with a multimeter).

From what I understand the monitor is an average VGA monitor that uses a 640x480 resolution and it has 2 sound amplifiers for stereo I would guess.

Any help is very much appreciated,


(Also I know about dangerous voltages on the analog board. I let it discharge and it is out of the computer)

NEWS: Unfortunatly I have decided to abandon the project of using the original analog board. Leck of information and the difficulty has made me decide to use a generic CRT monitor board instead. Thanks for all your help but with my current skillset I cannot finish this project.

EDIT: Is there any way to change the horizontal scan voltage to make the horizontal frequency from 66.67Hz to 60Hz for my project to work properly.
EDITEDIT: Will attaching pin 7 to +5 volts make the power supply come on without the motherboard?

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

VGA Guy,

I am not sure if you'll get help here for that.

What you might do is go here:

And see if you can't find answers there.

Hope this helps,

Steven Smile

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

I haven't found anything in the vault relating to a pinout yet, but maybe I'm not searching for it correctly?

The main reason I came here to find a pinout was that there were some discussions on color classic VGA mods thta mentioned a few pins and some people said they had schematics for some macintoshes. I they have the schematic for the analog board, could they trace the pins out and see where they go? I doubt they would see it as worth their time as I'm the only one who seems to want to attempt this (to my knowledge anyway).

Thanks for directing me to the site, maybe it's there I just haven't found it yet.

I been at this project for about 4 months and haven't found anything, but who knows, maybe I'll find the schematic by contacting apple(yeah right).

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

Are you trying to change the screen resolution of a 575, or extract video output for a 2nd monitor? If the latter, another approach would be to get it from the logic board using something like the PowerR Presenter 575. Analog audio could likewise be easily tapped from the logic board, though you could also just follow the traces to determine where it terminates on the connector harness.

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

I'm trying to put an external video source trough the monitor without using the logic/motherboard.
The analog board that powers the motherboard has the connector I'm talking about.


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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

Small question:

Does the Trinitron CRT in this mac capable of displaying 800x600 resolution without modifying or damaging anything?
The signal I want to attach to this monitor only seems to be at 800x600 at the minimum.

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

Still haven't found anything yet.
Someone said it could be in the upgrading and repairing macs book from 1994/1995. Can anyone confirm this?
At this point I might try to contact apple and ask for it, but I don't know their non tech support email.

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

I hate to reply to my own comment for the 85th time but guess what.
I found the pinout on this website (or what I needed anyways):
After searching for forever, I finally found it(I hope it's accurate).

Uh, small issue, the sync signal pins aren't on the list.
They might be what is labeled "composite signal" but I am not sure.
Are the sync signal generated by the analog board and not the logic board?

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

hey, any luck yet? I am working on a similar project. It seems that it could be or likely is composite sync.
I am thinking about building this:
But I would rather find the H and V sync right on the analog board...

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Re: Need Pinout for Performa 575/577 Analog Board

Since I can't edit my previous post I am making a new one.

I am almost able to complete this project, but I need to know how the macintosh monitor ID pins work.
I need to set the monitor to 640x480 at 60Hz instead of 640x480 at 66.67Hz.

Any help is welcome.

A full pinout and pin description is still wanted but not completely required as the takky connector documentation is close enough.

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