Apple ii port uses?

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Apple ii port uses?

Hello guys, Sorry for the vague subject but I figured it would get more people to see this, and in turn give a broader idea of the uses for this port.

What are the uses for the DB9 Serial port (female) that is by the cassette ports on the apple iie?

So what my end result I am trying to achieve is hooking my apple iie to my mac pro. I bought a modem usb-serial and I was going to hook it up to my super serial card. Well... I ended up buying db9 not db25... easy fix right? I went online and bought a null modem db9 to db25. It came in the mail, and lucky me... I bought male to male... So after no luck rooting around looking for a db9 gender changer adapter. I figured, why not see if it would be possible to hook into the db9 female port on the apple iie, it may be a long shot... but possible it could have served as a null modem port before?

I figured I would ask you guys, while I try to source a gender changer locally or buy one on eBay tomorrow.


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Re: Apple ii port uses?

I believe you are referring to the joystick connector. It is not a serial port.

If you want serial communications with an Apple iie then you would need to get a serial card for it.

Most of us use the Apple super serial card ii.

Here is one on Ebay:

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Re: Apple ii port uses?

Definitely a joystick port - sorry to disappoint! But at least you have a gender changer coming soon. You should have no trouble hooking it up to your Mac then.

I have heard that in the late 70s there were a handful of hobbyists that somehow were able to print using the joystick port. Not sure if they ever established two way communication though. It was slow and definitely a hack, but at the time, it still beat buying an expensive serial card (SSC did not exist yet).

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Re: Apple ii port uses?

This was with the original Apple II; the Apple II Reference Manual, written in January 1978, describes a way to connect the Apple to a Teletype with the DIP socket game controller (p. 114 ff.). The Apple IIe has this too, but it has a female DE-9 joystick/game controller connector on the back for convenience.

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Posts: 42
Re: Apple ii port uses?

Thanks for the replies,

I was just hoping for instant gratification on this article. I am just waiting for my gender changer to get here. The joy stick port would have been a great place if possible. On that note I have 2 super serial cards. One being new old stock, never used -- c revision. and then an A revision as well. Thanks guys!

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