Subjective opinion question

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Subjective opinion question

Totally subjective opinion question. Two Apple IIs. Both are original, both are Rev 02. One is serial number 10000 range dating to late 1978, the other is serial range 16000, dating to early 1979. Is the earlier unit considerably more valuable to you as a collector? Or are they really just one in the same?

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I wouldn't say "considerably" more valuable, but the lower serial # and 1978 datecodes definitely make it at least somewhat more valuable. The fact that they are both Rev 2 boards keeps them a little closer in value to each other IMO.

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Re: Subjective opinion question


I was kind of on the fence about it. There is something about 1978 that just seems a little rarer. I have a Rev 02 (16797), and it definitely felt a little more special than my Rev 04, but that's a bigger difference.

Been trying to get more understanding of Apple II values lately. When I first started looking for one years ago they were scarce as hen's teeth on Ebay. Now they seem to be relatively plentiful. Yet collectors do strange things -- a very late II just sold for $700, yet I can't get any bites at $800 on my Rev 04. I'm guessing points go for originality above all else. Maybe collectors like the first and last of everything?

But yeah, I'm kind of eyeing that 1978 unit on ebay, wondering if it's worth it to trade up or hold out for an even earlier unit. Next move up I would think would likely be a Rev 0 (don't see many Rev 1s come up at all). Lot more money though.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

There's often little rhyme or reason to what some of this stuff goes for. I would imagine it's more a factor of who's looking for what at a given time as much as a factor of availability when they are looking.

I believe the rev. 0 boards stopped somewhere in the 4000 - 6000 range, so they are not only the first but there's not that many of them relative to the 75k+ Original IIs that were made.

Most definitely the more original a machine is the more valuable/sought after it is, especially when talking about the early revision machines.
Not often you see a Rev 0 machine go for less than $2500-$3000 (and often much more if its a very early machine)

A Rev. 0 board (just the board) recently sold for around $1500.00

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Re: Subjective opinion question

Yeah. I bought my Rev 02 working with an ebay seller for $1100 given its original but iffy operating condition. As mentioned its in the 16k serial range and is now fully working. With that 10000 range unit up to $1600ish now.. I kind of wonder what mine would be worth. I'm kind of hoping to upgrade my way to a Rev 0. I have a Rev 04 I got as case and keyboard on ebay right now and corrected to mostly original.. but everyone is lowballing it.

Speaking of numbers.. I thought there were only about 50k original Apple IIs .. wasn't there a gap between around 40,000 and 60,000? I've never seen an A2S1-5xxxx..

I was going for that Rev 0 board but after a while I began to question whether it was really what I wanted (kind of wanted the light green slot version). And then I thought.. might be nice to have a complete unit rather than just a board..

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I believe the rev. 0 boards stopped somewhere in the 4000 - 6000 range, so they are not only the first but there's not that many of them relative to the 75k+ Original IIs that were made.


Rev.0 boards stopped somewhere between 6031 and 6179. I know this because I own both of these boards, and one is rev.0 and the other rev.1.
I'd really like to know the exact number, but narrowing it down to a window of 148 isn't too bad! Smile


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Re: Subjective opinion question

I believe the rev. 0 boards stopped somewhere in the 4000 - 6000 range, so they are not only the first but there's not that many of them relative to the 75k+ Original IIs that were made.


Rev.0 boards stopped somewhere between 6031 and 6179. I know this because I own both of these boards, and one is rev.0 and the other rev.1.
I'd really like to know the exact number, but narrowing it down to a window of 148 isn't too bad! Smile


So 6000 was at least a pretty good guess!!!

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Re: Subjective opinion question

Apple themselves said that there were about 6000 made in one of the issues of the Contact newsletter that described the color-killer mod for rev. 0s.
You could always try the solution to the German Tank Problem on the Apple II registry and see what number you come up with.

Mike Willegal

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Re: Subjective opinion question

We need more entries in the registry before we can make too-broad assumptions... only 56 so far.

More data=more accuracy.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

So that fairly original 78 vintage Rev 02 got to almost $1800. Weird. I've kept track of past sales, and I see a few Rev 03s that stomped right over $2k. Don't get it at all. This Rev 02 looked pretty original. Meanwhile, a very high Rev 07 unit goes for just over $700. And my Rev 04 languishes at $795 with no takers, except people interested in the power key. Probably going to pull it down again. I think people are starting to realize original IIs, apart from the Rev 0s, aren't all that rare or special. Not like they were years ago. If I had the time i'd start some kind of tracking website to watch these and other vintage PCs.. see if patterns can be discerned. I thought an original Rev 02 from 78 would be $2k easy.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

If I had the time i'd start some kind of tracking website to watch these and other vintage PCs.. see if patterns can be discerned. I thought an original Rev 02 from 78 would be $2k easy.

I've been watching/selling Apple II's for years. Since around 2005; Apple II's have fluctuated from $800-$1500 on average. It wasn't until these last few years that REV 1-3 Apple II computers started getting more expensive.

Also I think your computer hasn't sold because it doesn't have international shipping. Your missing a huge chunk of potential buyers.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

So that fairly original 78 vintage Rev 02 got to almost $1800. Weird. I've kept track of past sales, and I see a few Rev 03s that stomped right over $2k. Don't get it at all. And my Rev 04 languishes at $795 with no takers, except people interested in the power key. Probably going to pull it down again. I thought an original Rev 02 from 78 would be $2k easy.
Well maybe if you weren't so greedy you wouldn't get so upset. Blum 3 Why not start bidding at $1.00 and see what happens? Blum 3

(Don't get mad; I'm going to duck and run now)

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I thought I had my shipping sorted.. ugh. And no I'm not really about greed.. hehe... just.. I have about $1000 into that thing and am not in so desperate a need to sell that I'd be willing to lose money on it.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I'm passively in the market for an Apple II. I had seen your unit there, and passed on it. So if I may offer an opinion...

I think that the difference is that, other than the cover label, those particular units look externally exactly like a 2+. If it had the raised power light I think it would go more quickly. I don't want a bunch of these things; just one for a bit of an old computer museum that I've set-up in my basement. I'm not hung up on the board rev... but I'd like it to have the silver power supply and look, externally, like one of the early units.

It does look like a nice machine for what it is though.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

Are you talking about mine?

Mine doesn't have the flat power light like the II+ .. it has the first version raised power key. Which has been a source of contention -- I've seen two original II units in the 36000-39000 range, and both have the second version not-flush raised power square. I thought perhaps the power key on mine had simply been put there by an owner after the square was lost, but the switch stand under it appears to be original and *only* fits that first style of power key.

One owner put up a FB page for theirs, A2S1-38657: -- his keyboard is date stamped 1 day *earlier* than mine, but has the raised flat key.

The only explanation I can think of on that score is that this unit, which I bought as keyboard and case together, was from Europe. I know in parts of Europe the single piece brown PCB keyboards were available for a while, some with black keys. Perhaps that explains the difference. Otherwise, I returned it to stock form - with gold power supply and green slot Rev 04 board. Actually, the gold power supply used on A2S1s like mine still had that 'spongy' power button, same one used on the silvers. Mine is clearly a II+ power supply, it has the better power button design and of course the serial number is way higher.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I thought I had my shipping sorted.. ugh.

It should sell now that you have international shipping available. It's a good computer for the price IMO.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

Thanks. I'm just hoping to get close to my money back out of it. I did buy the case/keyboard at the high end of the market (for $650 US). And the motherboard I think was fetching around $230 at that time also.

Although, now this slightly earlier Rev 04 has popped up for $900:

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Re: Subjective opinion question

Ah... sorry bud. I was looking at this one.

Yours does have the original power light. And the price does seem fair. Personally, I'm looking for one with the original light & silver power supply.

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Re: Subjective opinion question

I just wish I could solve the power key mystery. Those that do msg me about my unit say it has the wrong power key.. but it seems to me it is entirely original to that keyboard. I wish I knew more about how Apple did things in Europe pre-Europlus. Or that I could find the link I posted to that guy in Europe who sold a whole bunch of single pcb keyboards like mine.

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