Looking for Z-Basic for DOS 3.3

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Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 20 2016 - 14:27
Posts: 27
Looking for Z-Basic for DOS 3.3

While Z-BASIC for ProDOS is readily available, I'm interested in the flavor for DOS 3.3

I'm aware of this thread http://www.applefritter.com/content/basic-compiler-e which discusses some other options.

I've used many of those other options over a few months, and have come to the conclusion that I'd really like to be able to utilize Z-BASIC for DOS 3.3 as the ProDOS flavor has to compile some functions specifically for ProDOS.

However, Z-BASIC for DOS 3.3 is rather elusive. If found, I'd really like to get it on to Asimov.

Again, this is more for a hobby/posterity effort and not super critical to any major task at hand. I'd like to poll other users here to see if anyone knows how to track it down.

Last seen: 7 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Aug 14 2014 - 15:34
Posts: 18
Re: Looking for Z-Basic for DOS 3.3

Not familiar with the product but it may be that both 3.3 and ProDos versions are available on the Asimov disk image. Basing this from the update note in the Asimov zbasic directory that includes the following...

24 December 1987 - ProDOS now included
ProDOS is now included on the distribution disk. All you have to do
now is use any disk copy utility to make a working copy of your ZBasic
disk, and then use that disk to boot directly into ZBasic. If you are
using the 64K version of the system from a 5.25 inch disk, you'll
still have to put a copy of ProDOS on that side of the disk. We only
had room to put it on the 128K side of the 5.25 inch disk.

If you're using a 3.5 inch disk, you obviously don't have to worry
about which side is which. The two different versions can be found
in two subdirectories on the disk. We have also added a program on
the disk which is run automatically when you boot the disk. This
program will allow you to select which version to run at boot time.

Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 20 2016 - 14:27
Posts: 27
Re: Looking for Z-Basic for DOS 3.3

I have seen that. That is left over from an earlier Zedcor product update. The later versions (which are on Asimov) are ProDOS only.

Based on ads in Nibble ... they ultimately sold them separately.

In fact, the only variants of the ProDOS versions are a 64k version and a 128k version.

The version on Asimov does not ask which version on boot.

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