Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

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Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

I am the original owner of an Apple II Plus with 16K expansion card. I recently revived my Apple II Plus after placing the system in storage in the 1980's. I can run machine language and integer BASIC (after loading integer BASIC) programs, but not Applesoft programs. When I try to run an Applesoft program, the system does nothing (no noise from the disk drive, no response on the screen). ]PRINT "HELLO" works, but ]PRINT 1 or ]PRINT 3+4 do not (no response). In integer BASIC, >PRINT 1 or >PRINT 3+4 work. I tried removing and reinserting the ROMs. I have the following ROMs:

ROM F8 341-0020-00 Apple 1978
ROM F0 341-0015-00
ROM E8 341-0014-00 Apple 1978 Microsoft 77
ROM E0 341-0013-00 Apple 1978 Microsoft 77
ROM D8 341-0012-00 Apple 1978 Microsoft 77
ROM D0 341-0011-00 Apple 1978 Microsoft 77

Any suggestions as to what the problem may be and how I can fix it?



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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

It could be that your ROM(s) are bad, or there is bad RAM. Usually when I've had those problems, it will break to the monitor, though.

Are you saying it freezes when you do PRINT 1+2? What *exactly* happens after that?

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

Sounds to me like a not working languagecard.
Check languagecard with dealers disk.


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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

Sounds like it could be a lot of things.

How handy are you with a small screwdriver. I'd take the cover off so that you have room to move and carefully pry every chip up and then put it back in. You don't even need to completely remove the chip just enough that they come just about out. Then push them back in. Do it one chip at a time and be very careful with the rom chips so that you don't break the legs.

I have found that if I do this for socketed computers like the Apple II after they have been in storage for at least 5 years I eliminate a lot of problems from oxidation or corrosion. Sure if you kept your computer in a humidity controlled and temperature controlled storage area, then I might skip this step.

Then after that, I'd try the dealers disk looking for a memory problem or something. Still could be the ROMs also.


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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

Sounds like it could be a lot of things.

Then after that, I'd try the dealers disk looking for a memory problem or something. Still could be the ROMs also.


Hello Corey,

he explained that the program runs correct at Integer ROM Basic......
the problem is only related to Applesoft Basic....

so its either a problem related to the Applesoft Basic loading to the languagecard
or rather more to the RAM that stores that Applesoft Basic....

the fact - that the systems just locks up without crashing to monitor prompt -
would rather more indicate a RAM problem of the languagecard at my experiences....


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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

If it's a II plus. AppleSoft doesn't use the language card. It uses the ROMs and memory in the system. Sure you can access the language card using bank switching, but it's really not something AppleSoft does out of the box.

It most likely is RAM or addressing of the RAM. So easiest way to start there is a reseat of the chips just incase. If he really wants to do heavy troubleshooting first, then yes tracking down addressing and ram problems chip by chip is the right thing, but first a simple no brains precaution task may solve the problem.

Then if he still has an issue, your suggestion of the dealer disk for a memory test is good.

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

missed typo

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

When I type PRINT 1+2 and hit the RETURN key, the cursor disappears and the PRINT 1+2 moves up a line on the monitor. Nothing else happens.

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

Hello Corey or SpeedyG,

I tried pulling the ROMs and RAMs on the motherboard and reinserting them to no effect before I made my post. What is the dealer disk and where can I find it? I like the suggestion of using a small screwdriver and pulling the chip partially out. I have been using an IC extraction tool to completely pull out the chips, but I have had problems bending the leads on the RAMs while re-inserting them. I will try pulling out the other chips partway instead using a small screwdriver. After I load integer BASIC from disk, I can bank switch to Applesoft BASIC using >FP. However, once I have done that, I cannot return to integer BASIC using ]INT. I get an error message "LANGUAGE NOT AVAILABLE".

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

the image of the Dealers Diagnostic Disk is availiable at:
keep attention - there are different versions for II+ and IIe !

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

Thanks for everybody's help! My Apple II Plus is fully functional! Removing and re-inserting chips or prying the chips part way out with a small screwdriver and shoving them back in did not help. I downloaded the Apple II Plus dealer diagnostics disk per SpeedyG's link and used ADTPro to transfer the PC file to 5 1/4" floppy. The diagnostics caught a bad E8 ROM, which I replaced with a ROM I ordered on EBay from vintagemicros. I can run Applesoft BASIC programs now! Thanks again!

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Re: Problem running Applesoft programs on Apple II Plus

happy to hear your back in business....
have a lot of fun.....

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