POM and BASIC question

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POM and BASIC question
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I was so happy with being able to make my Mimeo generate sound, and inspired by Corey's BASIC music demo of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I decided to make another music program in BASIC. So in the spirit of the holidays, I wrote an A1 BASIC program to play "Merry Christmas" and draw a picture of a Christmas tree.

So I haven't been able to execute it yet, since I'm not at home right now. What I have is the completed BASIC program in a .txt file on my Windows 8 laptop.

So I'd like to get it into an audio file format, so I can load it on my Mimeo.

I have POM running on my laptop, and I am able to load BASIC from a memory dump. I can go into BASIC, and type a program. I would like to dump the memory containing the program to a text file, and then send that to Mike W's "toaiff" program that I got working on my LINUX machine. Phew!

The problem is, I can't find the memory where BASIC is storing my program. I set LOMEM to 768, which should be at $0300, but I can't see it anywhere in POM. It's all zeros. I tried spot checking 0300.0310, 0400.0410, 0500.0510, all the way to 0900.0910. Again, all zeros.

I can also E2B3R back into BASIC, and my program's still there. And yes, I did set the POM to run as an 8K machine by pressing CTRL-E.

Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?

I know I can connect my PC to my Mimeo, and upload it directly using Mike W's PS/2-serial adapter, but I don't have any way right now of saving directly from my Mimeo, so I'd rather just convert it to an AIFF so I can load it anytime.

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Re: POM and BASIC question

OK. So I played around with it a little more.

I just tried dumping the memory ranges from 004A.00FF, and 0300.0FFF, and reloading those memory dumps seems to be okay.

Even though you set the LOMEM to 768 ($0300), the memory beginning at that address is mostly zeros. I guess I don't know what BASIC is putting in there - maybe holding variables for run-time or something.

Anyway, it seems to work just fine.

I'll post the results when I get it all put together and tested.

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Re: POM and BASIC question

If you are on a Mac, OpenEmulator has a great Apple-1 cassette adapter setup. You can easily create WAV files that work with the real hardware and an iPod.

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Re: POM and BASIC question

If you are on a Mac, OpenEmulator has a great Apple-1 cassette adapter setup. You can easily create WAV files that work with the real hardware and an iPod.

Thanks, but I only have access to Windows and Linux PCs. Sounds like it would be really helpful for development.

I was able to compile Mike W's toaiff.c on my Linux machine, and it mostly works. I had a lot of trouble trying to build it in Windows. In Linux, It creates the aiff file, but the initial header info is screwed up, and so I load it up in audacity and fix it, and add a few seconds of blank space at the end of the file, and it works! I've found some sound files without the trailing silence mess up the last few bytes of the program.

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Re: POM and BASIC question

I think the version fo toaiff.c on my website has endian issues - I have since fixed it and will put up a fixed version when I get a chance.

Mike W.

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Re: POM and BASIC question

So I have been able to get the program to work on my Mimeo, but I've been having some issues getting an audio file prepared that works consistently. I'll probably have one posted in the next few days, but probably not before tomorrow!

There's the program listing attached to the first posting in this thread, if anyone is interested.

Happy holidays to all!

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