WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

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WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

My brother and I spent countless hours playing this BASIC graphics+text adventure game as kids on our family IIe in the early 80s. It was made by Jor-And, perhaps their only title?
I'd love to have an original disk for nostalgia.

Please contact me if you have one and may be interested in selling!


Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: Jan 27 2011 - 12:51
Posts: 114
Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

Hi everyone, I just wanted to bump this message up as I am still looking for this Apple II game.
If you have a big stash of games, please take a look and let me know if you have one for sale!


Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: Jan 27 2011 - 12:51
Posts: 114
Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

Hi all!

Been a couple years now since I originally posted this WTB ad, and I'm still looking for this game!
If you have it, please message me. I've got big $$$ waiting Smile


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Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

I have to go through my boxes but I believe I have the game you're looking for in the original box. I picked up a blind storage auction and it had over 100 Apple IIc's(prototype/stardard/plus), IIe's (standard/platinum), 1 apple II, 2 apple II plus'(lots of apple II parts though). Over 300 tubs of games/software. Over 100 tubs of parts including psus, keyboards, cards, every cable you can think of etc. I even have boxes and boxes of factory sealed stuff. Wasn't expecting to find Apple stuff but its probably the best find of the century! Smile All together i got a storage of 28 yards deep, 3-4 yards wide...all apple stuff. Everything I've tested so far works! Smile

Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: Jan 27 2011 - 12:51
Posts: 114
Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

Hey runicfury, that would indeed be awesome if you have the game. I encourage you to dig through that treasure trove you have there and let me know! Send me a PM when you find out!


Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
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Posts: 114
Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And

I have to go through my boxes but I believe I have the game you're looking for in the original box. I picked up a blind storage auction and it had over 100 Apple IIc's(prototype/stardard/plus), IIe's (standard/platinum), 1 apple II, 2 apple II plus'(lots of apple II parts though). Over 300 tubs of games/software. Over 100 tubs of parts including psus, keyboards, cards, every cable you can think of etc. I even have boxes and boxes of factory sealed stuff. Wasn't expecting to find Apple stuff but its probably the best find of the century! Smile All together i got a storage of 28 yards deep, 3-4 yards wide...all apple stuff. Everything I've tested so far works! :)

Well, I can't seem to get a response from runicfury above, so I'm still on the lookout for this game...

As an incentive for those of you with large stashes of games to check: I am willing to pay up to $300 if the original floppy is in good cosmetic shape, works, and is complete w/ packaging and instructions.

Get some holiday cheer money in your pocket by helping me complete my search Smile


Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: Jan 27 2011 - 12:51
Posts: 114
Re: WTB: Original "Secret Agent: Mission One" game by Jor-And


I'm still looking for this game, and as stated above will pay up to $300 USD for a complete original disk + instructions/packaging set depending on condition.
Take a look in your stash of Apple II disks and see you if have it!


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