My brother and I spent countless hours playing this BASIC graphics+text adventure game as kids on our family IIe in the early 80s. It was made by Jor-And, perhaps their only title?
I'd love to have an original disk for nostalgia.
Please contact me if you have one and may be interested in selling!
Hi everyone, I just wanted to bump this message up as I am still looking for this Apple II game.
If you have a big stash of games, please take a look and let me know if you have one for sale!
Hi all!
Been a couple years now since I originally posted this WTB ad, and I'm still looking for this game!
If you have it, please message me. I've got big $$$ waiting
I have to go through my boxes but I believe I have the game you're looking for in the original box. I picked up a blind storage auction and it had over 100 Apple IIc's(prototype/stardard/plus), IIe's (standard/platinum), 1 apple II, 2 apple II plus'(lots of apple II parts though). Over 300 tubs of games/software. Over 100 tubs of parts including psus, keyboards, cards, every cable you can think of etc. I even have boxes and boxes of factory sealed stuff. Wasn't expecting to find Apple stuff but its probably the best find of the century!
All together i got a storage of 28 yards deep, 3-4 yards wide...all apple stuff. Everything I've tested so far works! 
Hey runicfury, that would indeed be awesome if you have the game. I encourage you to dig through that treasure trove you have there and let me know! Send me a PM when you find out!
Well, I can't seem to get a response from runicfury above, so I'm still on the lookout for this game...
As an incentive for those of you with large stashes of games to check: I am willing to pay up to $300 if the original floppy is in good cosmetic shape, works, and is complete w/ packaging and instructions.
Get some holiday cheer money in your pocket by helping me complete my search
I'm still looking for this game, and as stated above will pay up to $300 USD for a complete original disk + instructions/packaging set depending on condition.
Take a look in your stash of Apple II disks and see you if have it!