Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking for Epyx or Origin

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Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking for Epyx or Origin

Hey all,

I picked up a small junk box collection yesterday that appears to have a few gems in it. I'm mostly and Atari or Commodore guy but I do have some Apple items and in this case I wanted the boxed Ring Quest from Origin. I haven't seen one before and it looks great next to the other Origin large boxes.

After some more rummaging I did find a few other unforseen gems.

1. Broderbund Galactic Empire I and Galactic Empire IV. Both in their original baggies with disks, instructions, warranty cards and all. I checked both and the disks ran flawlessly.

2. Birth of the Phoenix: An introductory text adventure from Phoenix software. This also had the original paperwork and baggie as well as graphing paper for mapping. It also loaded great.

3. Cosmic capture - loose disk and ran great.

4. Asteroids in space - loose disk with a sleeve that has the company advertising on it. Can't get that one to load yet though.

5. Hyperspace Wars - loose disk. Can't get that one to load either.

The rest of the box was a trove of manuals and such which will make nice references.

There was also a IIC but no power for it. I will have to track one down.

Anyway. As I'm not a big collector of these I was thinking of trading them if anyone is interested. I'm looking for a Morlocs Tower from Epyx as well as Armor Battle and Fore from Epyx. I'm also interested in older Ultima items too.

I may take them to EBay but I will have to research a little more. Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays and Cheers to all.

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Re: Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking ...

You can occasionally get an original IIC power adapter on Ebay fairly inexpensive (most times expensive though), or one of the new reproductions that are much lighter/smaller for around $20. Even that is expensive if you are not sure the IIC works...

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Re: Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking ...

Both Hyperspace Wars and Asteroids in Space are old enough that they might be on 13-sector disks. You might be able to boot them by starting up with a DOS 3.3 System Master disk and typing BRUN BOOT13 at the ] prompt (it will load, ask for a slot, at this point swap in the game disk, then hit return).

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Re: Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking ...

I'll give the boot to 3.3 a try. I did manage to get Hyperspace Wars booted up. I wanted to play it but didn't have the directions lol.

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Re: Some Apple II Game Gems for Trade or Maybe Sale Looking ...


If you have Galactic Empire #1 and #4
PM me a price and we'll see if we can strike a deal.

Steven Smile

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