Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

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speedyG's picture
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Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

Hello to all AF-members,

i´ve started with the upload of the pages related to
hires graphics
sound at the apple II
ampersand routines
macro routines
and several related topics.
with in the bunch uploaded yet is the minor part in German language
and the major part in English language
the contributions are indicated by language flag at end of the line
at the moment there is a small restriction: i haven´t verified at the moment all diskimages.
So in some cases the diskimages contain also stuff not related specially to the single
contribution. In the other cases if the diskimage only contains very few files then that
diskimage has been verified and the files are really allocated to the specific contribution.

Due to the resolution of most monitors used with internet browsers some parts of the
source codes might be difficult to read. Specially for theat reason i have generated PDF-files
with far higher resolution, that will enable the visitor to download the PDF.file from the link
at the end of each page and permit a reader to zoom for readable size while reading that file
or for better readable printouts.

At the moment the site contains the contributions from 1980 to 1983.
1984 will be added within next 14 days.
within next month i will try to add also 1986 to 1988/89.

Up to the current moment about 900 to 1100 printed pages have been added....

with the next bunch there will also be a contribution using the Apple 2 as synthisizer
allthough there are allready 3 other contributions related to that topic -
but with one difference: the formerly added contributions realy are extended project that also demand
making of additional hardware for use as synthisizer... the new contribution won´t demand such additional
hardware. There are also seveeral contributions about making sound with the Apple.

The contributions uploaded yet to start with learning how to make shapes at the Apple and
how to move or manipulate that shapes and some programs for making and editing shapes and
hires screens ( including the source of that programs ) and startup of working with ampersand
routines and by that speeding up speeding up graphics with assembler routines.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

The current bunch of uploads is completed...
next uploads may be expected in Winter time at Christmax vacations...

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

Here is a screenshot of the updates in the indexpage:


have fun...

MarkO's picture
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

SpeedyG!!!! You are THE MAN!!!!

Thanks you for collecting all this "Apple ][ stuff" and organizing it...


resman's picture
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

That is a nice selection of articles. Definitely bookmarked,


Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

Dear SpeedyG

I am going through the documentation at
present that you have put up on your website.

I cannot seem to access the page
Hires Crunch Decrunch.

My PC is telling me that the webpage
cannot be found.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

Hello wishtoknow,
thanks a lot for the info.
I´ve corrected the mistake.

explenation to the mistake:
I add new pages to the website first by adding them in a special directory called /workspace
Then after pages are finished i add the links to the new pages to the indexpage.
By this behaviour i am sure that every new page is added to the indexpage.
Then i move that new pages to the common used directory /apple2
and Frontpage updates the links in the Indexpage to the new location automatic.
Then the pages are uploaded to the site.
In some rare cases Frontpage misses to update a link.
This caused the mistake and i was forced to update the link by manual action.

Hope you enjoy the pages and listings and hope they are usefull to your project....
After updateing the pages i also added the Keyperfect page with some additional infos
about use of pages from the Nibble Magazin.

The pages i added to the Applebox exceeded the 30 year limit. At the moment i don´t add
pages published after 1986 due to the fact that their 30 year limitation lasts till end of this year.
I still recomend to order the DVDs from Nibble specially for another important reason:
Besides the fact that not all listings ( in general the shorter ones ) have been added
to the monthly Nibble Magazin Disks and also Disks from the very early years ( up till
1987 ) are very difficult to obtain ( even at the publisher these disks are not availiable ).

At the other hand the DVDs contain the files as OCR-PDF´s. This enables a user to
mark the lines in Windows Acrobat Reader and copy them to a file in the Notepad with simple text-only.
Then there is a chance to move that files from MS-DOS Txt-file to textfile at Appledisk
with some simple trick- handling and save them then at Applewin to a DSK-image.
After transferrring such a DSK-Image with that textfiles to a real disk you may load that
textfiles in an Applesoft-editor.
This may save hours of typing off that stuff from listings and it also helps to avoid
mistakes by mistyping.....

sincerely speedyG

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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II


I am currently reading on your website
Tuning Graphics at the Apple II - Program sources.

Well I'm not really reading it as it is in German
and I cannot read, so I am translating it into English.

This is a 5 part article and I am only in Part I. (It's
taking me some time to translate)

At the end of the article they do a check of what programs
are included. There seems to be some missing programs that
have been missed.



speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II

Thanks for the report ...
some explenations:
after typing the programs in assembler or in Applesoft and then executing or saving the programs
will generate the ( seemingly missing ) programs at the workdisk.....

after typing the program in listing 1
and running in the assembler you may save
the program clearscreen.slow.obj to disk

after typing in program in listing 2
and running the assembler you may save
the program clearscreen.obj to disk

After typing in listing 3 and run the applesoft programm
it will first generate tablepatterns and then
at line 80 it will bsave the program bytetab as binary file to disk
and at line 90 it will bsave the program bittab as binary file to disk....

after entering program in listing 4 and running that program
it will bsave at line 80 the binary file scrhitab to disk
and at line 90 it will save the binary file scrlotab to disk....

after entering listing 5 in assembler and running the assembler you
can save the file pointplot.obj to disk.

after entering the program of listing 7 ( lineplotter )
and runnung the assembler you may save the program
lineplot.obj to the disk.

Pay attention:
If you want to run the program "sternenhimmel" in listing 6
you MUST previously enter the program from tabelle 1 ( at the end of part 1 ) into memory
after first switching by call-151 to the monitor and after entering the code
by switching back from Monitor to applesoft by
then you may add the applesoft program and it will run correct...

sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Aug 11 2015 - 20:13
Posts: 228
Re: Programming at the Hires pages of the Apple II


Thanks for the clairification.
Back to translating.

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