Is everybody phyched for school to start? I shure am!
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School started last week. It means being very busy for the next 3 weeks until things settle in. I have to deal with professors and their comptuers doing this and that or not doing this and that. It means fixing all the problems and bugs with all the images on the lab machines.
So for me its just the end of a relaxing summer and the start of being busy in the school of engineering.
But its also the time that all the cute college girls in their miniskirts come back to work. The thing that sucks is that for the most part I am old enough to be their dad. LOL
Collage starts on monday. Ive got to do a hell of a lot more work.
ive been back for 3 weeks
I'm not. I actually waited for it to start. Here I can see my friends only there ,because they don't live in my city and there coming here only for the school year. However in Bulgaria school starts on 15th September ,so there are amost two weeks till the begining.
Yeah. I've been at my school for two weeks (Actually, six, if you count the four-week debate course I took this summer.) During this time, I have, naturally, probed some of the aspects of the school's computer network. Fun fun fun.
Scool starts the day after labor day ( Tuesday ). I live in central oregon.
Starting University on Wednesday. Not too enthused, but if my parents are burning money so I can get a degree in art, I may as well try to pass.
School hasn't been a big thing for a few years. During my Diploma exams (no rewrites if you miss 'em) I arrived at least 10 minutes late for each one. As much as I try to, I just can't seem to make school a priority.
If anyone has any tips on that, I'd love to hear em. I'm hoping that since I'm taking something that has a chance of being interesting, I may pay some attention to it.
I'm sorta excited for school to start again. I'm more ready for a change than anything else. It actually starts tomorrow, which is sorta wierd cause at this time tomorrow I'll be in my first period class... Study Hall. Yay.
Hey, at least the first week is forms and nothing else.
I've got two study halls per day (45min each), which is good because the crew team pratices from 4-5:30 Monday through Thrusday.
In college I had a lot of fun watching the cute college girls. Even in the SICE (merged CS/IT and E) program there were quite a lot of "Touncing Bits" in the CS student body. An odd disproportionatlly high number of Asian women, but I one really remember is Chi. An absolute goddess. I'm sure a few of you-all may have seen her on TV or in a few mags. And a CS student at that. Whew. I miss college girls. :cry: I guess it's a good thing I'm 25 so I'd not get the "creepy-guy-looks-like-my-dad" thing that my buddy the ex-Marine always got.