It has been years since I've spotted a bargain on eBay before somebody else snatched it.
Today I picked up two $100 IIgs units. One appears to have a Superdrive controller and a microdrive. The other has a ZipGS and a 4MB RAM card.
I've always wanted a Superdrive controller, but was never willing to pay the going price. I don't have a Superdrive though. I don't suppose I can just put a 2MB floppy mechanism in an 800K drive, can I?
How about the links to the auctions, Please?
Sure. They are 221815933283 and 221815936451.
If you got what you think you did, you will have made out
extremely well. lol
Lucky deal Yes, you can put a 1.44M mechanism in 800K drive and it will be 100% converted to FDHD drive. Does anybody have a faulty superdrive card for sale?
Well I had a bad eBay experience this week.
I bought a Vectrex console which only looked like it had glue residue from packing tape. Easy enough to get off without damaging the plastic.
The seller packed it so badly for shipping which I paid over $25 for that it cracked and is missing a piece that cracked out. The photos clearly show it wasn't that way before. They shipped it the cheapest way they could with out even tracking or insurance. Vectrex have a glass screen so I'm amazed they seller wasn't at least cautious about packaging for that reason.
I contacted them right after I opened it and not a peep yet for almost two days. eBay said it is buyer protected, so I may open a complaint today. What amazes me is that I payed good money, near going rate for the system because it had good cosmetics, worked and only had the glue residue. I even paid for shipping and they cheaped out and now they will get nothing for it as I want a refund. This isn't an irreplaceable item like when I got my TI ASR silent teletype with tape system where I have no choice but to accept it and repair it. There are plenty of Vextrex out there in the $200+ range that are in good shape.
Pure dumbassery
Sorry to hear about your problems. This is why I'm moving into what I call a bottom feeder mode. It means mostly buying parts or non-working units, though I do try to find units that aren't missing parts. It's hard to be disappointed when expectations are low to start with and it's often fun to get those basket cases fixed up and running.
Mike Willegal
Ugh. I know that feeling. I bought a Laser 3000 a few years back and the guy packed it in a box just big enough to fit the unit with no padding. It arrived with the case shattered into hundreds of pieces.
An Excellent Score!!!!
I love sleeper auctions like that. I've acquired some of my most prized peripherals that way.