Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

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Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue
Image icon npp.JPG52.07 KB
Image icon error.JPG13.15 KB

Hi everyone!

Hopefully someone much smarter than I can help me out here. Trying to build a game from source with Merlin 8 and I am getting odd formatting.

I've tried with both AppleWin and my own //c and get similar results.

Notepad++ doesn't show any odd formatting

Yet doing a LIST in Merlin shows these solid white "J" on every line


Thoughts? It obviously wont assemble due to that character.

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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

I figured it out.

all CRLF need to be replaced with CR only.

MarkO's picture
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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

So.. Let this Perplex You... For EOL Markers..

Apple ][ ( and Mac IIRC ) -----> CR
UN*X and Linux ( and BSD ) -----> LF
MS-DOS/Windows -----> CRLF


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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue


As soon as I replaced all the CRLF with just CR, Notepad++ immediately recognized the file as "Macintosh" rather than "Dos\Windows"

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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

ugh, double post.

macintricks's picture
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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

Ha! Are you writing a game called Flapple Bird? That's hilarious. I want to play it!

MarkO's picture
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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

Ha! Are you writing a game called Flapple Bird? That's hilarious. I want to play it!

Surely you Jest!!!


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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

Yeah, I've been trying to compile it from source. The current release doesn't play on an Apple //c, but the source indicates it should play.

It required Merlin 16 on a IIgs to assemble, but still doesn't play on a //c. I get dropped out to a monitor when trying to load.

It plays fine on a IIe though. Also crashes a //c emulated in MESS.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Merlin 8 LIST Formatting Issue

Hello mbaran,

in former days often at games - they used specific tuning of the hardware....

if you say that the game works at the //e but not in the emulation or the IIc,
i´d guess the game to make special use of the RAM at the //e auxiliary RAM of the 80 col. card....

you may check this easily by trying to start the game at the //e without the 80 col. card ....

if it also crashes then - you will know about what you are searching for....

then you´d have to check the disassembled code for routines using the softswitches that manage that AUXMEM
by checking the code for JMP´s to the adresses of the softswitches of the AUXMEM
( see manual of the 80 col. card topic related to management of AUXMEM )
then you probably must manage changes of routines to RAM-Management of the IIc....


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