Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

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Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!


I'm mainly a Commodore user (flame suit on!) but have always respected the Apple IIe and wanted one. Well, after 30+ years, I finally got one today. Very happy!

It's a IIe with the 6502 chip - so I take it it's not enhanced and is the 40 col with 64K. Inside it has a Grappler + printer interface, a Hayes MicroModem II and a Apple Disk ][ Interface Card. It came with the Apple tilt monitor and the 2 floppy drives.

My main issue is I have no software for it - not single disk.

When I turn it on, it says Apple ][ at the top of the screen and Drive 1 just keeps spinning.

Can someone point me to where I can pick up a ProDOS or other operating system for the IIe? (and some software - preferably adventure games).

Once I get an operating system for it and am certain it works ok, I wouldn't mind installing the 80 column / 128K upgrade kit. Are these easy to find?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

By the way, I'm in the Dallas area.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Welcome to the Apple world... For software, I would start browsing at this site:

Mr.Fix's picture
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Hi Chris, and welcome to the apple a2 world!

first of all, you have a great system to start with, although the grappler card is useless unless you plan on getting a printer for it.. imo, i would take that out of the slot and just shelf it. As for software, google ADTPRO. With this, you can bootstrap your A2e with a modern computer and start your software collection. ADTPRO is your first step.

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

I'm mainly a Commodore user (flame suit on!)

Meh, no flame suit needed here lol. Most of us like commodore as well. They have uses.

It's a IIe with the 6502 chip - so I take it it's not enhanced and is the 40 col with 64K.

Once I get an operating system for it and am certain it works ok, I wouldn't mind installing the 80 column / 128K upgrade kit. Are these easy to find?

Its definitely not enhanced. You can find NOS enhancement kits on ebay every now and then, but they are usually over priced. You can try contacting "ReactiveMicro" to see if they have any enhancement kits left over.
However, Reactive has been on a hiatus for a while now.

Here's the enhancement kit they use to sell:

I'm sure they still have a few kits left, you just have to contact them to be sure.

When I turn it on, it says Apple ][ at the top of the screen and Drive 1 just keeps spinning.

It sounds like it is booting fine. Have you tried the computers self test? (Press the open & closed apple keys simultaneously & turn on the computer; it will say "KERNEL OK" if it's working fine.

speedyG's picture
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Hello CarLover,
first of all welcome to the community.
But please carry some respect to the rules of the community too...
starting 3 times a exactly same thread (!!!) is spaming the board and not polite....

Keep more patience !
The members in this community are spread all over the world.... so while you are awake at the same time in other
parts of the world people are still sleeping....
Not everybody is just waiting to reply to your Thread immediatly.....

besides it´s also good behaviour to first examine past threads that touch the topic....
in your case nearlly everything has been told in former threads tooo....
in such case use the "search" field at the top right corner !
if you enter the term "filetransfer",
"ADT" or "disktransfer" in that field you will get a long list of former threads
that have been related to this topic !

And not to forget, also using Google for the term "ADTpro" leads to:

Read that pages and then you will have all needed information how to pick software from various sites
for the apple II - store them at a PC and then - which options are availiable for transfer and
finally how to transfer that diskimages from PC or MAC to the Apple II.

Besides the link above to asimov the better link will be:

this is the entry point to 4 very big and 11 smaller Apple sites related to various topics and sources....
among them the second most important besides asimov is the Apple II documentation project !

its a good idea to bookmark that 2 links....

sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Wow. What a great group on here! Smile

I first would like to apologize for the triple posts. I didn't realize the "Save" button was actually posting my message (thought it was just saving a draft). I didn't see an option to delete so I reached out to asking to delete 2 of them. Also couldn't figure out how to reach moderator steveh - I get an error when clicking on his name.

On to IIe!

Mi2k and SpeedyG - thanks for the links! Yes - those have been bookmarked and I'll check them out!

Mr.Fix - thanks for the tip. No plans to print - so I took your advice and just removed the Grappler card.

Transwarp - I didn't know about the self test. I just did what you said and got the "KERNEL OK" - so that assuring! Thanks for that!

I spent some time cleaning up the machine. There is a little bit of yellowing, but I have seen worse. I doubt I'll RetroBrite it as it's not too bad. The only bothersome flaw is that it is missing the label that goes over the light bulb (to the left of the space bar). Looks like a sticker is suppose to be there? Any quick solution?

Thanks again for all the info - any other tips or suggestions - please share! And again - sorry for the extra topic posts. If anyone can delete the extra 2 - or tell me how to, please do!


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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Hi Chris,
Welcome to the wacky world of 8-bit Apple computing!

Speedy gave good advice. I would also add that when you search the discussions on this site for trouble shooting, help, or general information, that there are a couple of maintenance topics that seem to get asked repeatedly. To my mind the big one is the disk drive cleaning and speed calibrating. Even if your drives are in great shape, I would at least find these references with instructions, and book mark them now for fast future access.

Also, IMHO, if you want to preserve this machine and use it, consider getting a power line conditioner. Although it might look like it is the same, the conditioner has a significant (or several) additional function(s) beyond those of a simple power strip. Monster makes some good basic ones that are sold at the consumer level, at stores like Best Buy. Basically these things even out the spikes and drops in the alternating current electricity that comes from a wall outlet. These spikes and drops do damage sensitive electronics over time. Also, you get some greater lighting strike protection, and there's a protection guarantee for your equipment with some brands.

Mutant Pie

transwarp II guy's picture
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Transwarp - I didn't know about the self test. I just did what you said and got the "KERNEL OK" - so that assuring! Thanks for that!

Glad to hear that it past it's self test! I forgot to say earlier, welcome to applefritter. Smile

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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

As suggested in prior posts, you can either buy the disks with programs on eBay or get some floppies and transfer disk images. There are places like that sell cables and even disks ready with the software installed.
Hope you enjoy the world of Apple!

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Hi Chris,
Also, IMHO, if you want to preserve this machine and use it, consider getting a power line conditioner. Although it might look like it is the same, the conditioner has a significant (or several) additional function(s) beyond those of a simple power strip. Monster makes some good basic ones that are sold at the consumer level, at stores like Best Buy. Basically these things even out the spikes and drops in the alternating current electricity that comes from a wall outlet. These spikes and drops do damage sensitive electronics over time. Also, you get some greater lighting strike protection, and there's a protection guarantee for your equipment with some brands.

Mutant Pie

I think it is useless to buy such thing for the Apple's switching PSU.

Dog Cow's picture
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Re: Help! I finally got me an Apple IIe!

Besides the link above to asimov the better link will be:

Also take a look at

We have pictures!!!

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