Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

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speedyG's picture
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Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello to all AF-members,

This is also a rather unusual project using the Gameport as controlling port for a eprom progamming device.

even though i have not translated the published description at the moment - this unit might be interesting
to every user of an Apple II or II+ or //e. I have marked the lines in the source code of the Applesoft program
and placed translated text, so that a user may be able to equip the menus with translated english text and
then this programmer will be usable to the english speaking user.

I built this programmer back in 1981. This project page contains:

A) German description ( this will be translated in next year - 2015 )
Dirol the circuitplan
C) the component layout and placement plan ( including the component values )
D) the pintables and their programming codes
E) the entire Applesoft source programm code
F) the entire source Machinecode ( as example from the 2716 with marked area which parts are different at other eproms )
G) the top-layer of the PCB
H) the solderside-layer of the PCB
I) a view of both layers combined together
J) the compunent layerplan of the PCB
K) a diskimage in .DSK format ( DOS 3.3 ) with Applesoftprogramm and Machineprograms for different kinds of eproms
( related eprommachinecode parameterfiles ) and several epromfiles ( compatible with ADT-transfer )

This eprom programmer has several features very different from the usually used ones:
- Using the Gameport it is slotindependent because it does not occupy any slot !
- It can program most common old epromtypes from 2508, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, 2732A, 2564, 2764
and 27128, as long as the eprom uses either 21 Volt or 25 Volt programming voltage.
- due to the ability to trim the programming voltage you may also be able to mofify for 12,5 Volt programming voltage

- green LED indicates Power on
- red LED indicates programming actiivity
- device has ability to check out if eprom is erased correct
- device can read eproms and save content to DOS 3.3 file
- display eprom content or epromfile at Monitor
- ability to manipulate epromfiles in RAM

The basic function works by transfering data from gameport in serial manner to device and vice versa .....
the programming voltages 21Volt or 25 Volt are generated from the + 5 Volt of the gameport
( using internal voltage conversion at the device with NE555 as "stepupconverter"

- no exotic IC´s used - the board only contains standard logic ICs and standard transistors !
- therfore it is easy to build, easy to use and easy to mentain / repair !

At the bottom of page are links
- to .PDF file ( German with entire content in high resolution )
- link to diskimage with program ( DOS 3.3 - 5,25 Disk 140 kB ) !

page containing the stuff is at:


have fun !


macnoyd's picture
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

I saw this a few years back searching archives.
I didn't realize this was a SpeedyG invention. Pretty cool. I saved it in my archives because I've ambitions of building one up some day. I have about 8 different Apple][ eprom programmer cards but having a slot-less one would be a great addition to the collection.

Hey SpeedyG, if you can send me the text portion of your article, I'll translate it for you.
I can't speak German but I have a good translator (computer) at my disposal.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello macnoyd,

thanks for the offer, i have computer translators by myself.... but my experience is bad
with that kind of translations.

If text contains technical expresions and technical explenations
- this automated translators produce strange and mystical results.....

They often remind me to former bad translations, when israeli student translates swedish manual from
volvo car to romanian instruction manual.....

if i want a good translation i´d better perform the task by myself.....

- otherwise i take risk of getting bunches of anoyed mails from users getting wrong construction instructions
claiming about burning transistors, exploding capacitors and damageded Apple II gameports.....

anyhow thanks for the offer....


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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello macnoyd,

thanks for the offer, i have computer translators by myself.... but my experience is bad
with that kind of translations.

If text contains technical expresions and technical explenations
- this automated translators produce strange and mystical results.....

They often remind me to former bad translations, when israeli student translates swedish manual from
volvo car to romanian instruction manual.....


Reminds me of a Monty Python skit......"I want to fondle your buttocks......."

Sorry, always loved them.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello macnoyd,

If text contains technical expresions and technical explenations
- this automated translators produce strange and mystical results.....

They often remind me to former bad translations, when israeli student translates swedish manual from
volvo car to romanian instruction manual.....


Reminds me of a Monty Python skit......"I want to fondle your buttocks......."

Sorry, always loved them.

I love Monty Python too:

"Start car:
Fire up engine and shut card in left slut at right corner beside wheel select of direction
and put pedal for pulling brake with left foot till stops near floor....
push button under radio with finger two what says start...
make sure belt for accident is inserted in right jacket or engine will not start sucking gasolin...
if not release foot and light in display not say parking "off" car will stay in place"

no comments....

gsmcten's picture
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

We're all Lumberjacks and we're OK!

Steven Smile

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello Steven,

the poor truth is that the citation is not a joke - it´s original translated citation from
Volvo 440 GL romanian manual from 1984 ! I have a pal who emigrated to Germany in 1985 with
that Volvo and he is working as translator for NGO. He explained to me the wierd kind of
translation of the manual from swedish to romanian language...

But i´m sure searching several translations from chinese products of the 80´s exported to USA
will delivers similar results......

I even sometimes face such abstract documents today that are added with some products from
China or Taiwan....

nevertheless i hope the post on monty python will end and somebody starts rather more
talking about the programmer....

that unit is really worth talking about.....

i have translated the program menus to english language and added the translated version to the disk image....
so any user has choice of using english or german version.....

i have seen here several threads about the fact that no programmer was availiable for the 2708....

most programmers started with the 2716....

this one can do the 2708 Eprom... and it´s rather easy even to modify the 2708 file for use with a 2704 !
and at least if used with the Apple II it´s able to handle all types used in that days up to the 27128...

and if you look at the prices of nowadays programmers.... well this one can be made by spending less
than 35 bucks....

and as explained it does not use a slot.....

I´ve used such a device from 1981 till up to 1990...... and i still have it in use sometimes today...
because i have stored numerous amount of eprom files in those days to disk....


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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hi speedyG,
I just was looking through your site and it looked like the redrawn schematic has 4094 instead of 4021 for IC6, this has been carried through on some of the overlays.
It looks like a neat project.


speedyG's picture
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello GeoffB,

The programmer only uses 1 x 7606 as inverter / driver and 4 x 4094 shift registers
for translating the serial bytes from Disk to parallel bytes at the socket, 1 x 4021
and 1 x 555 dor making the programming voltage.

The drawings are partially from an old file with the former layout ( 1 sided PCB )-
with a bunch of wirebridges - while the new layout uses 2 sided PCB without wire bridges.
New layout is safer to rebuild for beginners. And yes you are correct
- i really made mistake by labeling IC6 wrong - i will correct this within the next 24 hours.

Thank you very much for correction !


speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: Eprom programmer driven by Apple II Gameport

Hello to all AF-members,
update and correction have been performed.
sincerely speedyG

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
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Old topic - but trying it

I'm hoping I can give this a try and have some success.  I have real external programmers that I can use but would love to just give this a try for trying sake.  We shall see.  Plus if I do get it to work, I'll make all the files and parts lists available to anyone who wants to give it whirl too.  

Stargeezer's picture
Last seen: 4 days 6 hours ago
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Schematics and SW still available

Hi Speedy,

I am beginning the bold and hair raising adventure into burning EPROMs for Apple II+s.  I found this thread on the site and I am very interested in making one of your programer boards.  The part is I have proto-typing boards and should be able to build this w/o too much issue.

The link at the bottom of the post no longer seems valid.  Can you provide the details via email or a new link?

PM me if that is easier.

Cheers and thanks


tokabln's picture
Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
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Dear Mark, to be honest,

Dear Mark,


to be honest, there will be no answer from SpeedyG anymore.

He wasn't online since a couple of time and as far as we know, he wouldn't be any more.




EDIT: I forgot to mention... Tom Owad saved SpeedyG's Homepage before it went off. So the relevant article can be found here:



Last seen: 11 min 36 sec ago
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Are the rumors of SpeedyG's

Are the rumors of SpeedyG's demise true?


tokabln's picture
Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
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I'm not a 100% sure... but it

I'm not a 100% sure... but it seems so, yes...



Stargeezer's picture
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Thanks for the info.

Sad to hear about Speedy

Last seen: 11 min 36 sec ago
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VAstargazer wrote:Thanks for
VAstargazer wrote:

Thanks for the info.

Sad to hear about Speedy


 That is truly sad.  He was a valued member of the community.


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