What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and classic computer collecting?

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What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and classic computer collecting?

Would the Mac Classic 2 or Mac SE be the best options? I do not care about using newer software.


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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

I never owned or used a classic, so I cannot say as to that machine. However, I always loved the SE/30. I still own my original and still use it now to this day. Not for work mind you, although I do use it as the go between the internet and my old macs both for personal use and to sell.

The SE/30 was the top of the line of the original compact macs. It can hold up to 128megs of ram (If I remember correctly...gotta have MODE32 installed in the system folder to use more than 16MB of RAM) and most any 50pin SCSI hard Drive will work in it. (gotta have 2gb or smaller partitions to work with the older system versions)

If you want to run older software that will not work on a machine with system 7, SE's are fairly cheap compared to the SE/30 or the older 512k and Plus machines. I lover playing the old Monochrome Mac games. Have a ton of that stuff and enjoy it whenever I have a second or two.

Hope that helps.

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

Color Classic: the original size, form plus color and speed.

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

Sounds great.. thanks for the information. I'll try to hold out for a Color Classic - it seems like they are difficult to find at a reasonable price.

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...


The problem with Color Classic's is not finding one.
The problem is finding one with no problems.

Over the last couple of years I have bought three.
Out of three I have one that is mostly operable.
It starts up ok, but then begins having problems.

Yes. They are great units if you can get them to work right.

My alternate choices are the SE, Classic, or Classic II.

Steven Smile

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

I see.. thank you!

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

Recapping the logic board is just about a must for both the SE/30 and the Classic II.

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

Without knowing which games you want to run, but assuming old B&W stuff... if you are not into hot rodding Macs, a Classic II would be a good choice followed by a Classic.

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Re: What is the best 'classic' Mac to get for games and ...

My vote go's to the SE/30 (Might be selling mine ;).


-AU/X if you are into that kinda thing.
-Though mine doesn't have an accelerator I don't ever feel like it is lacking for speed.
-Lot's of compatible stuff under system 7, but the SE/30 will run system 6 (For older incompatable stuff) and honestly? System 6 is to me the most enjoyable Mac System experience their is.

Second bests:

My vote goes to the Mac Plus because as I said before I love the system 6 speed and ease, most games I love are black and white anyway, also, I love the look of the Mac Plus. Friendly.

My other vote goes to the LC series (Might be selling one of these too). If it's system 7 compatable? It'll run... black and white and some color stuff (More if you can do 640x480 res), BUT You can put an apple IIe card in these and run IIe stuff at aprrox 2mhz! Best of both worlds. (Although, if it's a black and white classic and not system 6 compatible? It's a bummer. This machine won't run system 6) Sad If I'm not mistaken the Color Classic is basically an LC with built in monitor (Maybe neater for sure, but I suppose harder to work on and from what I hear harder to find one that's not messed up in some way???)

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