My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

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My Second Rev. 0 Apple II
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Just got back from picking up an Apple II and could not be more thrilled. My first one (mine from childhood) went to a good home and helped me pay bills and continue my habit (Apple II and Compact Macs are my passion)

This one will do more of the same and will allow me to continue doing what I enjoy, paying a few bills and moving the joy onto the next owner.

This was bought from the wife of the original owner (he is no longer with us) and is actually the same woman I got the Apple /// from a few weeks ago! (wish when we were talking she had told me she had it then!!!)

It was a total chance encounter through Craigslist and since she does not do a phone or e-mail it was anonymous up until we agreed on a time and place when we both realized we had just met a few weeks earlier! She knows what I have to do: I must sell in order to buy.

She was glad to know it would go to a "good home" as she put it and would be cleaned, tested, stocked nicely and moved onto another person who will be as proud of it "hopefully as much as my husband was" as she said.

My original one was S/N 3283 so this is by far the most "vintage" Apple I have ever had in my possession, albeit for a short time (If I am lucky)

I have so enjoyed the past 9 months since I got back into these machines and my old Macs and a few good acquisitions allow me to continue. Without them I would not have the means to keep any of the stuff I acquire so it works out great for me all around and I hope you folks can enjoy seeing these machines as well! (plus all your help and info has been invaluable, THANK YOU!)

everything works, keyboard, drive (monitor was mine already used for testing) and the machine is in fantastic shape. A little wearing of the paint on the edges and the PSU is not original.

So here is my "Unveiling" (since no box, can't call it an unboxing!)

resman's picture
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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Nice acquisition! What is that daughter card under the keyboard? Is it a modified character generator? The startup screen looks a little different than mine - I'm not aware of any characters in the 2513 that look like that.


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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

When I first glanced I thought perhaps a shift key mod but I have not yet had a chance to disassemble the machine so I honestly do not know. I only had time to do what I showed in the photos (quick boot and get to bed!) That startup screen set me back at first too I thought the video was bad (genius that i am had the brightness down too much so did not see the monitor prompt!) then realized everything worked fine. Quick ctrl-b/return and into Integer Basic she went. I was used to the random characters not the straight vertical lines.

Gotta work all night tonight but will have time tomorrow to take it apart, clean it and photograph it properly so I will post a few more photos tomorrow.

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

What an excellent find....

In perfect shape..


What an interesting Floppy Disk Label..

Does it say on the front of it that it is a Disk ][???


speedyG's picture
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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Thats first time i´ve ever seen a Apple III Disk in a DiskII metal case.....

MarkO's picture
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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Thats first time i´ve ever seen a Apple III Disk in a DiskII metal case.....

I would have dismissed that as a Mislabeling, but the Drive Also has a Pass-through connector too.. Doesn't the Apple /// allow Four drives to be Daisy-Chained together??

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

That is my fault for not paying attention to my post last night and being clearer about what I got and how/why. I'll make the excuse I was both excited and tired (work starts 4:30am every day for me and tonight it's not over till 11:30...getting ready to run the boat in 10 minutes) When the Apple /// I bought from the same person was listed it showed that Disk ][ drive in the photos along with an external Apple/// drive. When I got it she only had the /// external drive.

When I went back up last night and picked up the Apple II she asked about how the computers were hooked up. She could not remember what kind of monitor her husband used for that computer. I talked about the closed circuit tv monitors that were commonly used at first, the Sanyo models etc. and showed her where the marks could clearly bee seen from the rubber feet of the monitor as well as the square rubber feet of the Disk ][ drives next to it (I wiped them off before photographing)

She had a moment of recall, walked into the garage and pulled out the disk ][ and said "I think this is the one that was in the photo with the other Apple you bought."

Brought it home, turned it around and realized what it was. have not hooked it up to the /// yet to test it since that one went to my storage area to make room for the Apple ][.

Tomorrow is going to be my dis-assembly, cleaning and photographing day so perhaps I'll grab the /// and hook the drive up. The internal and external worked on the /// so I never gave the other drive a second thought until I saw the back of it last night.

Used the Disk][ controller that came with the Apple ][ last night to test it with one of my drives (since that was when I realized what I had)

That /// was my first ever so the drive port on the back did not ring a bell at first. Not accustomed to seeing that equipment since Apple ]['s and Macs were all I ever dealt with. Fortunately they print in big letters what to hook that drive up to!! Smile

Shame she does not THINK she has anything else Apple II related (but I know she has moved some Kaypro and other old machines so there may still be more stuff)

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II


If "(Apple II and Compact Macs are my passion)"

then, how do you sell your original one, plus this one?

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II


If "(Apple II and Compact Macs are my passion)"

then, how do you sell your original one, plus this one?

Simple. I do not have the means to buy the machines and just hold onto them. However, selling one single machine (like my original Apple II from childhood) allowed me to spend some time with it after 20+ years, then sell it and be able to buy a significant amount of machines, peripherals and software beyond what I still had, keep the things I wanted, sell the rest to continue the process.

I have a high serial # Apple ][ that I got for cheap and will probably keep, at least for awhile. I have my original II+ and IIe from my bbs/ae line days. I still have most of my compact macs from personal and business use. Some I sold, some I keep.

Personally I could care less if I had my original Apple II as opposed to the one I bought yesterday because it was mine. My attachment is to the memories of what I did and to what I can still do, not the specific machine I used/use to do it. For me saying "this is just like the one I used" is as good as saying "this is the one I used."

Selling this one machine will allow me to pay some bills and keep my habit self sustaining. I enjoy moving stuff in and out. Playing with it, keeping a few things here and there thereby slowly building up my collection.

The alternative is get this machine and watch it sit there, by itself. I do not have the means to acquire only. I must sell to continue to buy, that is my reality right now.

Sell one machine to buy tons of other things I want (and some to sell to fund more purchases) and continue the process indefinitely (or until it can no longer sustain itself) or buy one machine and have one machine and end the cycle right there.

For me the choice is simple.

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

PS - now I get to take these things apart, learn how to fix them and do things I would never dream of doing when I was a kid and my parents had spent thousands to acquire them. If it broke it went to Jeff and Lisa (Atlantic Computer) and their dad to fix it. I did not dare void warranties, etc.

Now, if I break a $100 purchase I broke a hundred dollar purchase and sell it for $50 for parts.

I am having so much fun playing, cleaning, fixing these things doing things I never did when I actually used these machines every day.

If selling this one allows me to do that for a longer period of time then I will sell it tomorrow, and wait for the next opportunity to get something like it or something I have never had before (like the /// I just bought)

As long as the process keeps itself going and helps pay a few bills as well I will be able to keep doing it and enjoying the process to the fullest.
The day I have to spend the money I make from my real job in order to buy computers is the day I will have to stop (at least the way my finances are currently)

I hope that day never comes.

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Thats first time i´ve ever seen a Apple III Disk in a DiskII metal case.....

A few of those came up on fleaBay about a year ago. I think they were early units before the Disk III plastic cases were ready.

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

What is that daughter card under the keyboard? Is it a modified character generator? The startup screen looks a little different than mine - I'm not aware of any characters in the 2513 that look like that.

You bet right. This is a lowercase EPROM adapter. Here are the pictures for the Dan Paymar lowercase interface.

You will notice the extra connections on a 74LS chip, like the one in Zan's pictures.

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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

By the way Mark I forgot neglected to totally answer your question. Yes, the front of the drive is identical to a standard Disk ][ drive, "Disk ][" label and all.

The outwardly appearing difference is the back drive port and the back label directions/model# (model no. A3M0003 instead of A2M0003)

resman's picture
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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

What is that daughter card under the keyboard? Is it a modified character generator? The startup screen looks a little different than mine - I'm not aware of any characters in the 2513 that look like that.

You bet right. This is a lowercase EPROM adapter. Here are the pictures for the Dan Paymar lowercase interface.

You will notice the extra connections on a 74LS chip, like the one in Zan's pictures.

Thanks for the information, Antony. I always wondered how to get a lower case in a Rev 0 with a 2513. Later revs used a larger ROM with space for all the characters, they just made them look the same as the 2513. Go figure.


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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Added photos of the machine disassembled and cleaned. Much better than the ones I took the night I got it!

The last 9 photos in the original post are the new ones.

speedyG's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
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Re: My Second Rev. 0 Apple II

Hello zan8675,
thank you very much for publishing this excellent set of pictures and
the highglighting of several unique details !
sincerely speedyG

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