Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

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Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale


I told my wife I would stop buying so much vintage Apple stuff unless it was something I didn't have. Well this weekend I bought two Apple II+ computers. One is pretty run of the mill but came with a manual and disks for GEOS.

The other Apple II+ was at an estate sale today and it had a bunch of cards and add-ons some of which I have never seen before.

I will describe them here and post some pictures.

First, the person's grand daughter told me that her grandfather worked at intel corporation and he had pasted a sticker over his Apple II+ badge that said "This is not an Apple!". Guess he would have been made fun of working at intel and owning an Apple II.

So here's what I have:

1. One Apple II+ with a highly customized case (read holes drilled etc) with a Motherboard date code of 8104
2. Two RANA Systems Elite One disk drives and controller.
3. One QWK keyboard cover in nice shape.
4. One Quentin Research 16K RAM card. Interesting, I knew they made drives for the A2 didn't realize they made RAM cards too.
5. One REPEATRRR key repeater add-on. I have only seen a few of these. I think they were around $30.00 back in the day.
6. A Grappler+ with cable. (I have enough Parallel interfaces now)
7. A Zoom Modem. Couldn't see a model number but am still looking.
8. Microtek Magnum 80 80 column card.
9. This gadget from HARP Electronics from Oshkosh WI that I have no idea what it is yet?
10. Shift Key Modification

All this for $100.00.

Here are the pictures.

Any help with the gadget from HARP Electronics would be welcome. ???


jwg1962's picture
Last seen: 1 day 1 hour ago
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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

Holly Heck.

You know you are getting old when...

I couldn't read the small print. My daughter informed me that it is not HARP it is HAPP.

So please substitute HAPP Electronics for HARP electronics and please excuse my eyesight. Smile


gsmcten's picture
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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale


Not a bad unit for $100.00.

I was curious about the Quintin 16K card.
There is no cable connection to run to the RAM on the motherboard.
How does the card tie in with the rest of the RAM?

Steven Smile

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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

How does the card tie in with the rest of the RAM?

RAM cards that use straps are doing that to maintain RAM refresh timing with the system... RAM cards eventually got fast enough to do everything over the bus instead.

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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

If that ram card has its own refresh then that was a great score. Self refreshing ram cards go for anywhere between $50 to $200. They are very desirable to Rev-0 owners so we can have 64k but not stress the IC socket for the ram. The early rev Apple II don't have a special upgraded socket for the dip connector from the ram card. My last self refreshing card (RamEx-16) I had to have shipped from Australia to the states.

So great find!!!


MarkO's picture
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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

I understand that Applied Engineering made Self Refreshing 16K RAM cards too...

Great Fine for $100.00!!!

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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

Just a thought, I wonder if there could be a simple mod to convert a card into self-refreshing. Key word is simple.

Last seen: 6 days 9 hours ago
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Re: Apple II+ I picked up at an Estate Sale

At that point you are better off making your own card using static RAM.

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